

Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2017
I just took delivery of a hunters edge stock for my tikka Superlite and all I have to say is that I'm very impressed with the quality of it. What impresses me the most, suprised actually, is that I placed the order at the end of October. I was anticipating a lonnnnng wait. Can't wait to get this thing mounted up and shooting.
Congratulations on the stock and short wait time. Wish we could get them that fast up here in Canada. I was just told a McMillan would be a 8 month wait! Went with a manners instead. Still 5-6 month wait. I'm sure you will enjoy the new stock.
I'll post some pics when I get it all mounted up. I was totally shocked when I received the call last week that my stock was shipping. So far based on what I see even if you have to wait it's worth it.
Just a smidge under 7.5# the way it sits. Bolted up perfectly, barrel is floating nicely. Can't wait for some range time
Having owned 4 of them and currently have 3, I'm a fan.

The quick turn may be because it's a popular model in a popular color. They keep many of them in constant production just needing the final inlet to me milled out.
I'm glad your wait was short...mine was 8 months and I live in the lower 48. I did not place my order directly from McMillan though so I cannot blame them entirely. That being said I am very happy with their stocks, I own 3 of them, all three are great.
I think I just hit it right. I'm in lower 48. I did place order directly with McMillan.
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