McMillan gamewarden vs gamescout

Anyone have both of these and could grab some forearm width measurements for me and a couple forearm pictures. McMillan gives the same measurements for both stocks
I have both stocks in question plus a Game Hunter. The Game Scout I have currently has #5 Hart in it and that's pretty much pushing the limit. The Warden and Hunters have the same width forearms. The Game Hunter has a Proof Sendero Carbon barrel in it and has room to spare. Likewise the Warden has a #5 Brux in it and has lots of room to spare. I can measure them later when I'm home if no one has passed that along.
I can’t contribute to the barrel profile, but I recently picked up my first McMillan stock (Game Scout, set up for a #3 rock profile) and it is amazing. Whichever you go with, an adjustable cheek piece might be a good idea.
I went with a stock pack on my gamescout. It's got a rock creek light Palma bbl and is about tapped out for space also. Just picked up a game warden for a build I'm doing with a hells canyon carbon barrel. Most likely do a stock pack on it also but it's a smaller scope so we'll see
Anyone have both of these and could grab some forearm width measurements for me and a couple forearm pictures. McMillan gives the same measurements for both stocks
So here are the measurements on my 3 stocks. One at the tip end and one right in front of the recoil lug area

Game Scout 1.5 and 1.75
Game Warden 1.75 and 2.0
Game Hunter 1.75 and 2.0

I measured with a tape so not super exact but you get the idea.
I was told by Mcmillan that they didn't recommend a sendero or sendero light contour carbon barrel on a game scout. I have a #3 brux currently being installed on a carbon game scout in 7mm, but I already have a carbon game warden that sports a brux sendero contour 45 cal. barrel for my smokeless ML. Both stocks are great, and weight virtually the same (I think in carbon they are 1-2 ounces different).
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