I have a Belgian Custom Sporter-K98 in 8mm that is great rifle. I went to mount a scope on it and ya'll all know about the bolt/scope issues. I looked locally for a gunsmith with no luck and the wait time was months. I found this specialty service on Ebay and decided to try them because they had VERY good feedbacks. The job itself was amazing and I showed it to our local gunshops and now they use them. They are in Texas too so shipping time was fast. I Priority Mailed it to them, they had it a couple of days or so and they Priority Mailed it back. So the whole deal was a little over a week. If I remember right the job with shipping back to me was $50-55. I have never had this quality of work turned around this fast. They specialize in this and are good at it. I am pulling all my Mauser bolts that just barely clear and am sending them all to be done. If you want to scope an old Mauser, it starts here. Featured Products - Fincher's Corner