Marmot hunting in the high Rockies

We do a similar hunt in the alpine up here. Usually hike in and camp up high around an alpine lake and they'll be out early in the morning sunning themselves on rocks. If you can spot them they offer lots of good long shots. The meat is pretty similar to other squirrels, kind of nutty and on the tougher side so we tend to cook it up in a slow cooker and make pulled "pork". Turns out better than the real thing! You do need to add a bit of fat though, bacon or butter or lard
Does anyone eat Squirrel????
Wood Chucks are the LARGEST part of the Squirrel Family!
Anyone want info on Chucks just do a Google Search and you will get all your info.
Yup. Grew up eating squirrel & rabbits in VA. Never had an inclination to shoot Marmots in the alpine out west though. Mostly because with a freezer full of elk & deer, I am not inclined to eat them. It makes a lot more sense to me wanting to get rid of them in Ag land.
13,500 ft., south of Loveland Pass, Colorado

13,500 ft., south of Loveland Pass (2).PNG

Hunting the Timberline Grizzlies (high country marmots) with a Bullpup'd Remington 40XB chambered for the 6mm Remington.

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