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magnificaion needed?

chris matthews

Well-Known Member
May 14, 2001
Urich, MO
Stopped at Cabela's in Sydney, NE last weekend to compare Burris and Leupold side by side. Afraid I'm going to go with the Leupold as they were much sharper and brighter to my eye. But the question is which one? Here's my set-up: Savage 10p Tactical .308 in a Choate Varmint stock. Going to limit myself to 600 yards for deer but the occasional coyote, rockchuck and prairie dog will also find themselves in the crosshairs. How much magnification is really needed for precision at this distance? Considering the MK4 in 16x, the Target in 24x or the Vari-X III in 6-20 or the 8-25X? What do you guys suggest? Many thanks.

I've had many riflea and scopes, mostly Leupolds, and I mainly shoot .308. Lately I've been sticking with the 4.5 x 14, 1" and the 30mm LR version. I also have an 3.5 x 10 M3LR that I really like but it's not a long range varmint scope with the 1 MOA 'clicks' for elevation.

I've given up on the 8.5 x 25 because of eye relief difficulties when switching from prone to off-hand.

The Mk4 M1 16 is nice but a lot of money and it's not in my opinion a good close range scope. I have no experience with the 24 power target models but suspect it'd be like the 16x Mk4. One thing about the Mk4 is that you'll be hard pressed to run out of elevation adjustment with the 140 MOA available.

Of the one's you've stated, I'd pick the 6.5 x 20.

Good Luck
I'll second Dave on the 6.5-20X. Great scope, flexible enough to cover most anything you'd use that rifle for.

The 24X is real nice, I used to shoot groundhogs with one on my 22-250. Came to realize that the 6.5-20X could bring them almost as close, but I could also dial it down a little on closer shots (rarely did though), and more importantly if the mirage got too bad.

As for the Mk4 M1 16X, awesome scope. I have one on my LR 308 rifle. Also, a lot of money to justify. For the few hundred dollar difference in price, you might be better off with the 6.5-20X, and put the difference into a trigger job, tuning, AMMO, binos, etc, etc...
I have a Vari-X III 3.5-10X40 and It`s ok but the 6-20 would sure be nice. I didn`t have my .454 for bear backup at the time on the .416wby so I comprimised. I`ll add, the Leopold has withstood around 500rds without a hitch and I hear the warranty service is second to none, no questions asked, timely, you name it.

A friend of mine lost his 4-wheeler in a river and recovered it a week later upside down a 1/4 mile downstream in some trees along with the rifle that had came loose and entagled the sling on the bars, the stock was broke at the wrist, the scope (Vari X II 3X9) was beat up, but still works perfect today.
I have a NightForce 15-55X52MM it is what I use to shoot out to 1000 Yards you do not need to use that much. On my AR I have a 6-24X55MM Millett.
It would do you fine for the distance you are shooting.
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