New Member
My stw barrel is pitted and will not group. Looking for a new barrel. Thanks in advance for any knowledge or help.
What is pav if you dont mind me asking?Might look at pav for a blank and they can contour it for you. I agree with the above say easier to go throw route than trying to find a used one.
find a new smith. my Sendero 7stw had around 1400 rounds on her when I traded her and though the throat was worn is still shot sub 1/2 moa. Don't get it hot and you won't kill it. A 7rem will only get you a few hundred rounds more (if that) if you like to light a smoke with your barrel. I'd go with something in the 338 bore diameter if you want to just keep shooting. I've got a couple of K on my 338win and she shows no visible wear.Thanks for the input. I am looking for a new barrel. Preferably 7mag as the action in my stw is the same. 7mag bullets are easier to come by than stw and a local gunsmith told me that the stw barrel is only good for about 500 rounds in its life. My current stw didnt even get that. Mostly from my lack of experience with that round and over heating my barrel at the ranges.