Long range deer bear combo hunt


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
Hanover, PA
You are going on a hunt for deer and black bear. You have 2 choices for a rifle to carry with similar loads although different Bullets and diameters. Which one do you choose?

Rifle 1:
300 Win Mag
24” 1:9 twist Factory barrel
190 Nosler Accubond

Rifle 2:
7mm-300 Weatherby
28” Douglas 1:9 twist barrel
180 Berger VLD Hunting
3000-3100 FPS
Yeah I agree, I think it depends on:

- Which rifle do you shoot better with.
- Which rifle suits the terrain you'll be in.

Either will do the job, if you will be in rough terrain then I would lean towards the shorter rifle. So I guess it depends. I'm a big 300WM fan, it's pretty easy to find ammo for in case problems arise with your ammo. I've had issues in the past shooting reloads in different climates.
What's the weight difference? What will the terrain be like?
Like Harper said (sorta), 300WM is never the wrong answer.
Also a nod for the Accubond (I'm partial, i know)😁
Sounds like a good problem to have either way. Good luck on the hunt.
You are going on a hunt for deer and black bear. You have 2 choices for a rifle to carry with similar loads although different Bullets and diameters. Which one do you choose?

Rifle 1:
300 Win Mag
24” 1:9 twist Factory barrel
190 Nosler Accubond

Rifle 2:
7mm-300 Weatherby
28” Douglas 1:9 twist barrel
180 Berger VLD Hunting
3000-3100 FPS

I'd take the 300 WinMag for black bear, not so much for killing power as both rifles will have more than enough energy to get the job done. I'd prefer the WinMag for bear to get the largest thru and thru hole that I can make in the animal for tracking purposes if need be. With the long hair a bear does not bleed much as a deer, with a thru and thru hole you have two places where it will be bleeding from. I hunt black bear, but the shots are not long shots, I use either a 35 Whelen (Barnes 225gr TSX), .358 Winchester (Barnes 200gr TTSX)or a 45-70 (Barnes TSX FB hollow point). Just curious when you say "long range" what do you consider to be long range?
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