LoadBase 3.0© Desktop edition Released!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
Ellwood City, PA
Just got this email below.

Dear Customers,

As part of our commitment to provide the best possible customer experience, this email is to provide download link and setup instructions to get the last UPGRADE to the LoadBase 3.0© Desktop edition.

This upgrade will take your program to version

Since this release is an Upgrade (not an update) some extra steps are required, worth the effort.

Why? Because it runs on the latest .Net technology and SQLCE versions, in order to make both the code and databases fully compliant with the LB3 Mobile edition.

New features like Density Altitude, Spin Drift (and how to calculate the right Stability Factor), database on the fly compacting , automatic units conversions, complete support for Drag conversions, complete support for Baro/Station, new error checking and many other features, makes this version the most sophisticated software on the market today.

This version will allow to SYNCHRONIZE the datafiles with your Mobile edition. Please check the new User’s Manual.

WARNING : be sure to read the “Installation & Registration Manual” once the setup process is over. The manual is installed as part of the setup and is available via the Start->Menu->LoadBase 3.0 Desktop edition menu.
Excellent. I'll have to get it downloaded and up and running when I get home this evening. Thanks for the heads-up.
All the good stuff comes out when I'm at work, this job thing is kinda cramping my style. All I can do is check things out on breaks.:)
Can't wait to get it running!!!
The synchronize between mobile and desktop is slick. The new screen layouts are way better, at least for my eyes, and it even seems to run faster. G7 is there, charts in Excel or PDF plus a whole lot more......what more could you ask for? :)

I fully agree with you! it truly is awesome. I definitely, without doubt believe
nothing comes close to LoadBase 3.0. Truly powerful.

I don't have to be a mechanic to know what is under the hood... LoadBase is the best until someone can prove different! I say that based in the 30+ years of being
a ballistic lover and having run ballistic programs since DOS and since many had not
even been born!!!

It's possible that tomorrow there will be a better ballistic application, though, is very
I swear Gus read every post I made in the past about what I felt were pitfalls in the mainstream ballistics programs. He addressed all of them + a way to calculate MV change due to powder temp which I hadn't even thought of. He's on top now for sure and I can't think of a feature the program is missing. Thanks Gus for listening!
I say that based in the 30+ years of being
a ballistic lover and having run ballistic programs since DOS and since many had not
even been born!!!

It's possible that tomorrow there will be a better ballistic application, though, is very
You start talking about DOS and most guys nowdays won't even know what you're talking about.:) My first computer was a Radio Shack Mod 1 with 4k of memory. I sent it off and got it upgraded to 16k and thought I'd died and gone to heaven.:)

If there is a better ballistics application tomorrow or in the future you can bet it will come from Gus at Patagonia Ballistics.
Has anyone developed any tips/shortcuts to moving your Desktop 2.0 logbook data over to 3.0?

I emailed Patagonia, and recieved a very timely response (as usual) that this wouldn't be easy for an end user.

Seeing if anyone has tried anything besides manually entering the data into 3.0.

Thanks in advance.
I had the same question and with the inqirey gat the same response, so I'm in the process of manually moving my data from LB 2.0 over to LB 3.0. If there are more computer literate folks on here that have some insight on another method, I too would like to hear about it:D.
You start talking about DOS and most guys nowdays won't even know what you're talking about.:) My first computer was a Radio Shack Mod 1 with 4k of memory. I sent it off and got it upgraded to 16k and thought I'd died and gone to heaven.:)

Yes, I remember those days!! Heaven was right! :)
Has anyone developed any tips/shortcuts to moving your Desktop 2.0 logbook data over to 3.0?

I emailed Patagonia, and recieved a very timely response (as usual) that this wouldn't be easy for an end user.

Seeing if anyone has tried anything besides manually entering the data into 3.0.

Thanks in advance.

That would not be an easy task even for the developer. Best way is to do
what Chief1942 is doing.
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