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Load development with backgtound stress...


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2010
Wherever my job sends me
Howdy all, Just a bit of a rant plus an advisory here lol.

Background: I am 30 days from retiring from the Army. I need to get the house I am renting ready to be turned over back to the property manager, get my retirement clearing completed which includes turning in all gear I have been issued over the last 20 years, close on the house I am buying, get my final physicals completed and much much more. UGH!

Now usually, I find load development and the related shooting very relaxing. I have been known to purposefully look for powder / bullet combinations for which there is no data and see if I can make something work. Sometimes I find something that works but usually I see first hand why nothing is listed.

I just haven't had the focus and concentration to get it done right. I find myself just jumping around changing things in the loads with no real purpose, rushing shots, shooting strings on a warm barrel instead of waiting and other stuff. All of this leads to frustration because I know better and there are no results to show for poor performance.

I have been trying to get a load worked up for my .260 Rem. Initially, I started with RL26 and Berger 130s. I pretty much abandoned this because in spite of the great velocities with no pressure signs, I just couldn't get the accuracy nailed down so, I switched stuff up. Today, I just shot two sets with IMR 4064 and Nosler 129 ABLRs from 39.0 to 40.0 grains in .2 gr steps, 3 rounds each. In every one I had 2 touching and one off. The bad part? I can almost always call the bad shot after it's fired. Either it breaks on a heartbeat, or I hold my breath too long and twitch, or begin squeezing the trigger before I am fully ready... whatever. Just. So. Frustrating. LOL

Ah well. Anyway, that whole series of 39.0 to 40.0 of IMR 4064 has great potential. All the 3 shot groups were in the same general location on the target and all, even with my noobish shooting errors printed about 1" at 100 yards. I don't have velocities for all of them but 39.0 gave me 2846 fps avg with an ES of 12 and SD of 8. I called the Nosler tech (sorry, can't remember his name) and he told me most people get their best accuracy with the ABLR at 40 to 60 thou off the lands. I found 60 to be the best after testing from 10 thou through 115 thou. Oh, he specifically recommended against seating into the lands due to how soft the ogive area is.

Maybe if I got myself ahead of the retirement game, I would have less stress and would do a better job of development a and shooting. LOL

You all have a great day and good shooting, hunting season is right around the corner.
I have been going through a lot of crap lately and have decided that until I am ready and comfortable making little bombs, I will just set aside my reloading until I come back clear minded and sure I won't make mistakes.

Thank you for your service and just take care of yourself and your reloading will become more enjoyable again.

Don't blow yourself up now.

Semper Fi
Been there, done that! Here's my advice:

Look at mess that needs to get packed... take a deep breath... go sit down and have a Jack and Pepsi!

Look at the stack of out processing retirement paperwork crap... take a deep breath... go sit down and have a Jack and Pepsi!

Sort all the stuff that needs to go to CIF... shove it in a duffle bag, throw it in the trunk... take a deep breath and have a Jack and Pepsi!

Don't mess with any reloading till you get relocated, unpacked and settled... pack it up nice an tight, don't ship it with household goods... have a Jack and Pepsi!!

Tell the 1SG that you're short and won't be in for PT, have a nice cup of coffee with just a teech of Jack!!

LOL... worked for me!! 26 and Done!!

I've had a pretty rough year in my personal life as well, so I haven't done much shooting at all. I have found that a great stress reliever is to fish. I have been fishing bass tournaments for the last 4+ years, and am really enjoying it, but the last year I have been trying to fish more tourneys. It gives you that added sense of competition, but without the stress, since it's only about $50 a person to enter. And if you do good, you can win money...Which, I haven't, but to me I've just always fished for fun, so I just go out there and have some fun and clear my head. Kind of like I do when I'm hunting.

Thanks for your service, and hope everything works out as planned for you.
#1 260s are notoriously EASY to develop loads for

# 2 Bergers make the task harder because of sensitivity to seating depth

#3 if you would use 142 SMKs + H4350 it would be much easier - run a pressure test, then drop down 1.5 grains from max load for your rifle and work your way up.

#4 A chronograph helps judge if the bullet "spray" is your problem or the load's problem -- I'd suggest getting a Chrony

When your life is going rough (and Mine has for 13 months) you need to stack the odds of success in your favor when you undertake other endeavors. Otherwise you are just ADDING stress.

Thanks for your service!
#1 260s are notoriously EASY to develop loads for

# 2 Bergers make the task harder because of sensitivity to seating depth

#3 if you would use 142 SMKs + H4350 it would be much easier - run a pressure test, then drop down 1.5 grains from max load for your rifle and work your way up.

#4 A chronograph helps judge if the bullet "spray" is your problem or the load's problem -- I'd suggest getting a Chrony

When your life is going rough (and Mine has for 13 months) you need to stack the odds of success in your favor when you undertake other endeavors. Otherwise you are just ADDING stress.

Thanks for your service!

Not necessarily true. Start at around .015" away from the lands and you'll be just fine. And if you use the Berger Hyrbids, they are nowhere near as sensitive to seating depth as the regular VLD's.
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