Leupold RX-2800


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2017
Not much has been said about this rangefinder, but I just bought one and sold my bushnell 1 mile arc which always worked well but I wanted to try this sucker.
And it’s flat out awesome. I consistently was able to bounce to bounce bales at 2000 yards. It wouldn’t do much past 2100 yards on non reflective surfaces.
The biggest selling feature for me was the tiny reticle. I should be able to actually accurately range a coyote beyond 1k. With the bushy sometimes I would bounce the ground ahead of the target.
The leupold for a 2800m rangefinder is tiny. Half the size of the bushnell. For the money I highly recommend it.
The rangefinder is the unsung hero of lr hunting. We debate cartridge and scope choice but without being able to range a target none of that matters.
I have looked into the Leupold and the reticle was thing I liked for sure! I am still interested in trying one. I have a Leica 2000 and it sounds like the Leupold will range farther and better for sure. I can get bales in the 1400 to 1600 range. and trees to 1800 to 1850.

As you test it keep this thread updated!

Will do, I’m excited to see how it does on critters. I think the tiny reticle will be the biggest plus at actually ranging the critter and not something near them.
I initially used it nearly at dark and bounced bales to 2100. Using it again I repeatedly bounced bales out to 2400 yards
Will do, I’m excited to see how it does on critters. I think the tiny reticle will be the biggest plus at actually ranging the critter and not something near them.
I initially used it nearly at dark and bounced bales to 2100. Using it again I repeatedly bounced bales out to 2400 yards

Nice how well does it do on trees? How about deer or even just a cow ?
Nice how well does it do on trees? How about deer or even just a cow ?
It ranges everything I tried out to and past 2000. Haven’t strapped it to a tripod as steadiness becomes an issue.
And honestly with 7x power, deer and coyotes are hard to even spot past 2k, but I’ve bounced hillsides out to 2200
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