Last Will and Testament - Who gets your stuff

I am real olde & I have started to gift my stuff to others who I respect and trust- if I cannot sell it for a low price I gift it.. I cannot find my old shooting awards & other from competitive shooting but stuff might be found & if no value and not wanted will be destroyed with dignity. My rifles don't have trendy name brand synthetic stocks (plastic) but are always tuned up & used regularly producing outstanding results. I am training several young shooters using these rifles. 2 kids show outstanding smarts & absorb technical stuff including math applied to shooting quick & easy. I have an AR that some of my relatives regard as like a venomous snake -they ain't getting nothing.
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I have two mature daughters, neither of which has any interest in firearms. They both have careers and small children to consume virtually all of their time. I have three grandsons but they are all 4 & 5 years old. There's no reason to expect any of them to develop an interest in firearms because their fathers have other interests. All of my firearms and reloading gear will have to go. Not sure how that will all happen if something happens suddenly.

I had several large trophies mounted in my office until I retired. I gave a few small trophies away and mounted a few in my basement. My home is too small to mount the big stuff. My daughter tried to help me sell them but to no avail. I recently had lunch with the guy who no sits in my former (oversized) office. He mentioned that he always liked the buffalo mount. I loaded it up in a truck and delivered it to him free of charge. I have a rather large bull moose which has been sitting in my garage for a few years. I have no idea what to do with it. I've also got a beautiful Red Stag that needs a 9 foot ceiling to display. It lays horizonal in my finished basement. If I check out, my wife will probably have someone put it at the curb for collection.

There isn't always a good answer to the question of how you distribute or sell off all of your guns, trophies and related gear.
Most everything acquired before the second marriage will be divided equally between our children. The exception being my hunting rifle which requires hand loading. It will be sold to someone that can appreciate it!

As we're in a second marriage, everything accumulated since our marriage, will be bought by the highest bidder among the kids with the equally divided proceeds from the sale of the property and the savings. If they want an item, they pay cash for said item, the cash then gets divided equally among the other kids! memtb
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These and all the gauges, tooling, dies, reamers and fixtures would be a little problem to get fair price if I were to kick the bucket unexpectedly. And, I don't want to sell them while I am still standing and can operate the controls.

If my wife dies before me nobody will be getting my stuff, I will burn the house and out buildings down to the ground before that can happen.
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Before burning the a reverse mortgage and party it up.....
Or find a rental company and presell it to them......could always give extra cash to a good charity like Shriners or St.Joe

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