Injured and out

So I had a little wreck on my dirt bike and now in recovery hell. Not sure why I feel the desire to post, maybe give me a distraction to pass time.

I don't know what happened, memory has been blocked, pain replaces the comfort of normal life, and here we are.

We started a normal quick rip on our bikes, my brother and I, and set off on a fun filled loop in the woods. A few miles later i wake up with him trying to revive me. Unconscious, not breathing, and motionless. I am immediately hit with an intensity of pain I've never thought possible. I don't know what's wrong with me, everything! I can't breath, my back hurts, I cannot stand, sit, roll, or crawl. My lungs are gurgling, filling with blood, and I cannot get air, I'm hoping to pass out again, I don't want to be awake. I have to help my brother so I find a prayer position that allows me to somewhat function and communicate with him. We get coordinates to the EMS, now we wait. I just can't believe the pain won't subside so I can function. I've lost control and feel completely lost.

EMS responders begin pouring in and assessing the mess they've been dealt with. They coordinated and planned and in no time I'm on a flight to trauma care. At your worst moment they are the unsung heroes and I cannot tell you how grateful I am people do such incredible service.

The trauma care began their triage and loaded me up with pain meds to be able control my body. They inserted a chest tube and got the left lung inflated and my oxygen levels in check. Then I was off to the ct scan. Broken scapula, crushed clavicle, multiple ribs, grade 2 spleen laceration, punctured left lung. Rib count changed multiple times and it was never settled. 12 roughly.

A few days of trauma stabilizing care I was ready for surgery on my clavicle. Once that was done they pulled my chest tube to see if the lung would remain inflated and if so I'd be released to home care. Mixed emotions rolled in. On paper it sounds nice but the reality is that trauma care is staffed with exceptionally quality people paid to deal with you. They are battle hardened and unaffected by a patients pain, embarrassment, and anger. Even when you have no clue what is causing level 10 pain, they generally do. Pain is odd, it radiates throughout your body and doesn't always reveal itself. For the patient it can be a guessing game and annoying for everyone around trying to help. Healing is a journey with no defined end time line in sight because you have no clue how you are going to do and what detours are in store. You are just along for a ride that is out of your control. So I guess at this point I'm just trying to suck it up and accept it. Current situation is home care and dealing with intense abdominal pain that is slow to treat.
Prayers sent, never recommend breaking the collar bone and ribs on the same side. Don't ask me how I know.
You wont want to hear this ,,but the truth is never welcomed..
You look about my age I'm 55
You are'nt a kid any more and should set those kid hobbies
in the rear view mirror ... dirt bikes ?? bro I hav'nt rode a dirt
bike since the 90's that out of my system in the 80's
old CR125's and 250R 3 wheelers ....plenty of crashes back then.

we are older now and our health is precious ...maybe you are realizing that now.
People count on you etc...what good are you to them injured ?
We don't get to slap some neosporin on it now and its good in 48 hrs..

I sold my Harley 10 years ago and would'nt even consider riding a bike on the road
with these retarded zombies out there today with cell phones in their hands.

You are very lucky to be alive
May you heal and live to shoot another day ....
But for faq sakes son ...hang up the helmet and pick up rifle or a fly rod and
take it easy ....

I'm a Master Inspector , I'm on commercial and residential rooftops , on ladders
in crawlspaces etc daily for a living , at 55 I have a duty to take care of myself
and stay in shape to assure I and my wife have an income ...

My health is my livelihood ....hope you wise up ... sell that bike
I only say this because I lost my best friend
I was off in a war over seas and my child hood friend
Has a similar accident , only he was left a Quadraplegic

I came home and married and had a child and spent
as much time with Tim as I could as did my brother
but he could not go on in a chair with barely any use
of his extremities, he withered away to a skeleton
..and he took all his muscle relaxers
and killed himself ..

we grew up together in the best of times and his life
was taken from him in a quick careless accident on a
dirt bike....

I just don't see the use in these stupid toys
most people I know that stay on them are full of screws
and pins holding them together ....they are on opioids
for pain ...

It doesn't look like an intelligent hobby from where I'm standing
Holy smokes Brent I’m glad you’re still with us. Prayers for your body and also for your mind. I’ve never suffered what I’d consider greatly myself (though odds are that will happen at some point I understand), but have been around a lot of it. My mother has had 9 surgeries at this point on her leg starting when she was 13 and her knee dislocated so badly the kneecap was completely on the wrong side of the knee…at this point that leg has been amputated above the knee but it’s still been a source of problems and required more surgeries. I grew up watching her knee spontaneously dislocate and her falling down and screaming in pain on a monthly basis at times, it was awful.

Worst pain I’ve bore witness to was probably my grampa, I was a teenager at the time. He spent two months in a burn unit with extensive skin grafts and wound debraiding and all that misery. An incident involving gasoline flashing back on him and literally setting him on fire, third degree burns to the face and left hand and arm, second degree all over his torso.

I was a pastor for 8 years and as such visited lots of folks in the hospital, whether for end of life care or in the aftermath of an accident, seen a few things there…no shortage of cancer patients and the common but oh so miserable reality of old folks having had broken hips, pneumonia, and joint replacement surgeries - knew a lady whose suffering is now over who had had both knees and both shoulders replaced, some more than once - she was no stranger to suffering.

Another fella really should have been dead and for a while I think he wished he was…injuries similar to what you describe here…he got crushed by a bull. As in the bull knocked him down and then used its head to grind him into the dirt. Every rib broken, some in multiple places, shards of his own ribs having punctured his lungs, liver, spleen, and stomach even. I really pray I never break ribs (or get kidney stones 😬) it seems like the actual worst!

Know another fella who had the worst Christmas ever one year, had a gallstone attack AND a heart attack AND a car accident in the space of two weeks (the car accident because he had his heart attack well driving, thankfully in town and not on the highway, and crashed into a concrete pillar) … and this tough old bird was having the worst time sitting still a month later, crazy old man was determined the doctor was full of 💩 and he was fine to go shoveling snow!!!! 🤣. His wife and adult children and the doctor and I together did manage to talk some sense into him and convince him to sit still, at least for a few more weeks. This is a man who had an incredibly rough first half of his life, and was still ridiculously tough physically…couldn’t be bothered with a dentist, when a tooth started bothering him he’d slowly work at it with pliers until he could pull it out himself without it breaking, and by the time I got to know him he had done this to about half his teeth!

But all this rambling is for one point which is that life after the initial trauma was when these folks entered into “the long game”, the war of attrition against the temptation to despair, grow bitter, become angry, and to contend with their own restlessness and maybe even be confronted with themselves, the reality of being stuck with yourself and your thoughts can be very hard to some folks.

I. know that of course there’s nothing like the intensity of unbearable agony in the moment…but what I’ve observed in most folks to be their greatest battle is the reality of life in which they can’t do the things they want to do anymore, maybe for a season maybe forever. It’s really hard for most people to just sit still and get better when it takes a long time, and seems to be harder on the mind and I dare say the soul as well to have to just wait in that place of limbo stuck with their thoughts.

So I’m praying for your body to be restored to full function and health, for those in charge of your care to be granted wisdom and grace, and I’m praying extra hard (if that’s a thing) for
your mind and soul to be protected from the dark things that they face in times like this, that the presence of God is with you and made known to you; that the peace of God which surpasses all understanding guards your heart and mind in Christ; that as we often read around Christmas time, “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness HAS NOT OVERCOME IT”.

Keep us posted on how you’re doing, we’re on your side.
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So I had a little wreck on my dirt bike and now in recovery hell. Not sure why I feel the desire to post, maybe give me a distraction to pass time.

I don't know what happened, memory has been blocked, pain replaces the comfort of normal life, and here we are.

We started a normal quick rip on our bikes, my brother and I, and set off on a fun filled loop in the woods. A few miles later i wake up with him trying to revive me. Unconscious, not breathing, and motionless. I am immediately hit with an intensity of pain I've never thought possible. I don't know what's wrong with me, everything! I can't breath, my back hurts, I cannot stand, sit, roll, or crawl. My lungs are gurgling, filling with blood, and I cannot get air, I'm hoping to pass out again, I don't want to be awake. I have to help my brother so I find a prayer position that allows me to somewhat function and communicate with him. We get coordinates to the EMS, now we wait. I just can't believe the pain won't subside so I can function. I've lost control and feel completely lost.

EMS responders begin pouring in and assessing the mess they've been dealt with. They coordinated and planned and in no time I'm on a flight to trauma care. At your worst moment they are the unsung heroes and I cannot tell you how grateful I am people do such incredible service.

The trauma care began their triage and loaded me up with pain meds to be able control my body. They inserted a chest tube and got the left lung inflated and my oxygen levels in check. Then I was off to the ct scan. Broken scapula, crushed clavicle, multiple ribs, grade 2 spleen laceration, punctured left lung. Rib count changed multiple times and it was never settled. 12 roughly.

A few days of trauma stabilizing care I was ready for surgery on my clavicle. Once that was done they pulled my chest tube to see if the lung would remain inflated and if so I'd be released to home care. Mixed emotions rolled in. On paper it sounds nice but the reality is that trauma care is staffed with exceptionally quality people paid to deal with you. They are battle hardened and unaffected by a patients pain, embarrassment, and anger. Even when you have no clue what is causing level 10 pain, they generally do. Pain is odd, it radiates throughout your body and doesn't always reveal itself. For the patient it can be a guessing game and annoying for everyone around trying to help. Healing is a journey with no defined end time line in sight because you have no clue how you are going to do and what detours are in store. You are just along for a ride that is out of your control. So I guess at this point I'm just trying to suck it up and accept it. Current situation is home care and dealing with intense abdominal pain that is slow to treat.
Recover fast ride slow!! Like I tell my 10 year old dirt bikes hurt!!! If you felt the need to open this forum then there is no brain injury, (I’m not a doctor) !
Get well and back on ! I ride my scoot as often as I get a chance . Woods are a good rip but we stick more to fire roads and such now . With license plates and trail permits we can go pretty much anywhere we want. Godspeed and Brraaap buddy !