I need a measurement on the .338 Norma


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
Far Southern Illinois
Can someone mic the distance from the base to the neck/shoulder junction and total brass length? I have looked all over the web but couldn't find the answer.

Case oal= 2.5'' h2o capasity=107 , parent 416, basically set back shoulder on a lapua. Lapua= h2o 114 -112 seen different #'s I got 2.165 off my case, that was just holding caliper next to case
Ya, I'm getting on board with the 195 Berger in the Norma Mag case, it should be an excellent match for some long range smack down gun)
When I had my 7 SAUM built, I figured the COAL up with the start of the BT sitting at the neck/shoulder junction. The longer than normal COAL is great out of my single shot action, not to mention the impressive accuracy and speeds. So I figured the same foumula should work with the bigger case as well. With my rough measurements, figuring 1.4" from the point to the BT and 2.165" from the base to neck/shoulder, I came up with 3.57" COAL, and since the mag opening of the Surgeon XL Repeater Action is 3.8", this should be a perfect fit. Since the bullet won't be shoved down into the case, it should get max velocities. Of course, Jim See will be building this one as well :D

Here's what I'm planning:
Surgeon XL Repeater
Brux barrel
XLR stock
Scope is still undecided
Jim See @ Center Shot Rifles
I think the case capacity of the 284 JAZZ is perfect for the new 195's coming out. I am not sure what shoulder angle you are looking at, but the JAZZ is 30 degree.
Send a PM to RH300RUM on here, he has one with an 8x barrel I beleive.
The 338 Norma is designed to run a 300 SMK set up the the same as you are looking to run the .284 With a 300 SMK the design is loaded round at 3.602"

I'm looking at doing the same thing off the standard case just neck down and shoot, since there is no body taper as is, not much to improve on other than shoulder and a couple of thou forward.

308 to 284 is a quick fix
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