How to know it is Spring in Cody, Wyoming

Don't leave out the extroadinary rise in property taxes every year.

A very valid point! If I'm correct, I believe that during the last legislative session they tried to curtail some of these taxes……but, our RINO Governor veto'd it.

He also veto'd a few other bills that would benefit the people of Wyoming!

Our governor…. a spineless, douchbag, po 💩! IMO memtb
You are right.
We absolutely are free to do whatever we want, within the confines of established laws.
It's our birthright as Americans.
We are also free to approve or disapprove, agree or disagree, associate or not, live where we want to.
I hope you are happy where you are.
I’m not actually happy with my current location. But it sounds like I wouldn’t be welcome there because I don’t have “conservative values”, whatever that means these days. In most cases it means religion and loving trump, neither of which I find appealing.
I'm not actually happy with my current location. But it sounds like I wouldn't be welcome there because I don't have "conservative values", whatever that means these days. In most cases it means religion and loving trump, neither of which I find appealing.
Sounds like you may want to look into the Denver area.
Nah, I don't really need to be a trump lover or religious nut to live anywhere I want. Says a lot about people that think to live in a certain state these are required though.
That’s true, still a somewhat free country.
People move from a area because they dislike it now but it was fine before. Unfortunately most of the elected officials that they elected make policies that make people want to move. Moving elsewhere but continuing to vote for the same stuff that ruined the place that they left before will continue the cycle. There’s a saying about doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.
Some people like where they live and prefer it to stay that way.