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Here's my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup

Len Backus

May 2, 2001
Here\'s my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup

This is a picture of my equipment displayed on one of my 24 foot high stands.


This one looks out over the marsh portion of my hunting area. I own 220 acres and lease another 80. The marsh is the best land for rifle hunting and it turns into a sanctuary of sorts by the end of the first weekend of rifle hunting. We don't go into that area after the end of summer except to recover a deer.

I have mounted my spotting scope and my range finder on tripod ballheads that are affixed to small platforms. The one on the left is made of wood and the other is one I use for photography. This was my first year using the rangefinder attached to a rigid base and it has made a big improvement in my ability to be sure I am ranging the deer and not some bit of brush adjacent.

The special sand sock under the butt of the rifle is my special secret. I am pretty sure no one else in the world uses a Diet Pepsi can for shooting long range.
(my Dave King inspired sand sock is also shown).

The most likely range for the buck of my choice is between 400 and 700 yards. So I have the drop table affixed to my stock in 10 yard increments.

The 2 plumbing flanges are for use in attaching a golf umbrella in case it rains. I don't mind sitting in the rain without a cover but it's tough to use your optics if you are fighting the drips.

The bipod on the rifle in this picture is not the short benchrest model I usually use here. But I am leaving for Wyoming tomorrow and have my taller one attached.

[ 11-24-2004: Message edited by: Len Backus ]
Re: Here\'s my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup

Nice stuff!

How far are a couple of the prominent points in the photo?? For example, the pine row right at 12 o'clock on the far side, just to the right and under the long blue cloud.

Nice sand sock, looks like my Mark 1 version, I now have the new and improved Mark 2 model... in camo.

What do you plug into the pipe flanges, an umbrella perhaps??
Re: Here\'s my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup

Here's a picture of my Wisconsin deer hunting setup:

Re: Here\'s my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup

Dave, the pine trees are on the neighbor's land and about 1k. My property line in that direction is about 700 yards.

The deciduous trees on the horizon off to the right are about 700 yards. The target you and I shot a few summers ago would be over in that general area.

Yes, for a golf umbrella!!
Re: Here\'s my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup

OH BROTHER! Next I guess comes a generator and running water!

Re: Here\'s my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup

hopefully you will never find a trespasser sitting in your stand.
Re: Here\'s my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup


An afterthought, maybe you could build one on an old chassis and drive it where you want to set-up, apple picker too.

Re: Here\'s my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup

You are one lucky man.....I could only dream of sitting in one of those, let alone hunt from one.

what is the rifle in the picture?
Re: Here\'s my Wisconsin whitetail hunting setup

That is my Chris Matthews smithed 7mm Dakota. Nesika Bay action, Schneider barrel, McMillan A-5 stock.
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