I'm new to reloading and need some input. I have a factory remington 700 KS chambered in 7mm STW. I have factory double tap and HSM ammo on hand. Last week I received my new dream 7mm STW build (benchmark barrel, 700 action, wyatt box for 4" COAL, gamescout, ect ). In my NEW stw I can chamber factory rounds with zero problem. I purchased a redding T7 press, redding FL sizing dies and redding shell plates. When I attempt to chamber my once fired brass that has been ran through the FL die in my NEW stw its so tight that it takes all I have to close the bolt. When I take that same piece of brass and chamber it in my factory stw it closes with zero problems.
First I thought my brass needed trimming so I trimmed it down A LOT and still it won't fit. I checked my press and I set the die so low that it was pushing against the shell holder and tried it the other way and still nothing. So i got the calipers out and started doing measurements on the brass. All of the factory brass is within .001 of each other. All the different brands come out of the die about .005 wider than before it was fired. When I say wider I'm talking about above the belt ( 1/2 inch up from the belt is where I took my measurements). Factory brass is coming in at .5055 +/-and after they have been fired and ran through the redding FL die they are coming in at .5122 +/-. All of the brass is once fired out of my factory remington or factory weatherby (sold it) stw.
If I set the caliber loose and run it up the brass from neck to belt the widest point on the factory ammo comes in at .5061 +/-, on the once fired ran through the FL redding die its .5128 +/-.
To add to the confusion, my hunting partner had the same smith build him a STW two years ago and he reloads using RCBS dies and has never had a problem with chambering anything. So my question is, where do I go from here. Tomorrow I'm going to contact my smith and redding and see what they say. any input would be great.
Thank you
I'm new to reloading and need some input. I have a factory remington 700 KS chambered in 7mm STW. I have factory double tap and HSM ammo on hand. Last week I received my new dream 7mm STW build (benchmark barrel, 700 action, wyatt box for 4" COAL, gamescout, ect ). In my NEW stw I can chamber factory rounds with zero problem. I purchased a redding T7 press, redding FL sizing dies and redding shell plates. When I attempt to chamber my once fired brass that has been ran through the FL die in my NEW stw its so tight that it takes all I have to close the bolt. When I take that same piece of brass and chamber it in my factory stw it closes with zero problems.
First I thought my brass needed trimming so I trimmed it down A LOT and still it won't fit. I checked my press and I set the die so low that it was pushing against the shell holder and tried it the other way and still nothing. So i got the calipers out and started doing measurements on the brass. All of the factory brass is within .001 of each other. All the different brands come out of the die about .005 wider than before it was fired. When I say wider I'm talking about above the belt ( 1/2 inch up from the belt is where I took my measurements). Factory brass is coming in at .5055 +/-and after they have been fired and ran through the redding FL die they are coming in at .5122 +/-. All of the brass is once fired out of my factory remington or factory weatherby (sold it) stw.
If I set the caliber loose and run it up the brass from neck to belt the widest point on the factory ammo comes in at .5061 +/-, on the once fired ran through the FL redding die its .5128 +/-.
To add to the confusion, my hunting partner had the same smith build him a STW two years ago and he reloads using RCBS dies and has never had a problem with chambering anything. So my question is, where do I go from here. Tomorrow I'm going to contact my smith and redding and see what they say. any input would be great.
Thank you