Headed out


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
I know this isnt that interesting but im headed up this weekend to try and fill my second cow tag. I am hoping for somthing at 800+ but we will see. ill thve the 338 lapua and 300 SMK's
I can get you a cow around here. What ya want? A hereford, black angus, red angus. Would have to be quick though, might get caught by a bull or one of the farmers.
Plunk one smack in the center of the shoulder knuckle to see if the SMK at your velocity will do what I think it will. Kind of to rain on Rhian's parade a little.:)
Put the smack down on one Mike, I keep waiting to see you smack one down way the heck out their!!!

No rain here, Roy!!! Dig the 338 with a 300gr bullet for shooting elk in the shoulder, I use the 270 a lot now but I used to have a bad case of cannonitis till I detached my retina in an accident and didn't want to risk it, now I'm working my way back up due to super sweet brakes :D Half way through my second 338 build and gathering parts for #3.

Good luck Mike gun)
Green I didn't know the rain comment was directed to you. No disrespect intended and I'm sure Roy meant none either. Just some razzing. .. Although I do plan on disabling the front half of a cow if possible. . I will let you guys know what happens. My sister and dad have tags to So were Gonna try and pull a tripple. So odds are we Will end up shooting them under 500 if we get on them. I might Get lucky and get to do a long poke though.
Green I didn't know the rain comment was directed to you. No disrespect intended and I'm sure Roy meant none either. Just some razzing. .. Although I do plan on disabling the front half of a cow if possible. . I will let you guys know what happens. My sister and dad have tags to So were Gonna try and pull a tripple. So odds are we Will end up shooting them under 500 if we get on them. I might Get lucky and get to do a long poke though.

My first name is Rhian, I'm perty sure Roy was poking :D It's OK the poor guy hasn't had anything in the scope in almost two years, I think it's affecting him. Good luck on the Trifecta gun)
Dig the 338 with a 300gr bullet for shooting elk in the shoulder, I used to have a bad case of cannonitis till I detached my retina in an accident and didn't want to risk it,

Good luck Mike gun)

Same here with macular degeneration. Yep! Sweet brakes are the secret!

Just learned of Nosler's 300 NAB. Am dreamin' of what a nifty brass point will do to it!

BB put a couple of 200 WCs into the shoulder joint of an aged bull @ 996 back in '06. DRT! Second shot was w/in 4" of first. There's no doubt that BB can shoot!
'nother jab:) The only reason BnG posted "why I don't shoot elk in the shoulder" is because he ain't carried a rig big enough to do it. Those pecker wood cartridges he lugs around leave a something on the table when it comes to dangerous game like elk & stuff. :)

Yep, a couple of seasons gone by w/no fur in the scope works on one's brain. 2 1/2 months to go. Should I live so long.:D

See ya'll this summer. Looking for a fun learning summer....gun)Even planning on making at least one of those Montana shoots. I'm already jotting down some good possible excuses.:rolleyes:

Good luck Tikka. Bring home the bacon!
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