Red Sparky
Well-Known Member
If any of you are planning on coming to NM to hunt the dates are up on the web site. Be aware they have changed a lot. It seems like instead of having three archery elk hunts to choose from you now only have two for a unit. It seems like where I want to put in for they combined two hunts that would have 150 tags and took it down to 125 and gave the extra 25 tags to the last hunt. They still have the same amount of tags, 200 tags, but instead of 75 tags, 75 tags, 50 tags it is now 125 tags, 75 tags.
I would like to see how you all feel about it. Here are some of my thoughts about it as a resident.
So the way I see it the chances of drawing here are going to go way down. The same amount of hunters will be put into two hunts instead of three hunts so every bodies chances of drawing are going to go down. In theory there are the same amount of tags so the chances should be the same but the drawing pool will be larger so individual chances will go down. I have already lost 25 chances by having them moved to what is now the second hunt.
There will be more hunters in the field but they hopefully will be spread out over a two week period.
How many of you can come for a two week hunt instead of an eight day hunt? If you do draw how many are going to spend all two weeks here? If I get drawn I am only going to spend the two week ends and the week in-between so I will not be hunting for 5 of the fourteen days. Nine days last year were more than enough and I had opportunities during that time.
I remember the days of buying over the counter tags for deer, bear, and fall turkey combined for $10.50. Is hunting becoming an elitist sport and what can we do to keep the hunting heritage in the blood lines of our children when we can not get tags?
I would like to see how you all feel about it. Here are some of my thoughts about it as a resident.
So the way I see it the chances of drawing here are going to go way down. The same amount of hunters will be put into two hunts instead of three hunts so every bodies chances of drawing are going to go down. In theory there are the same amount of tags so the chances should be the same but the drawing pool will be larger so individual chances will go down. I have already lost 25 chances by having them moved to what is now the second hunt.
There will be more hunters in the field but they hopefully will be spread out over a two week period.
How many of you can come for a two week hunt instead of an eight day hunt? If you do draw how many are going to spend all two weeks here? If I get drawn I am only going to spend the two week ends and the week in-between so I will not be hunting for 5 of the fourteen days. Nine days last year were more than enough and I had opportunities during that time.
I remember the days of buying over the counter tags for deer, bear, and fall turkey combined for $10.50. Is hunting becoming an elitist sport and what can we do to keep the hunting heritage in the blood lines of our children when we can not get tags?