Grammer lessons

And another thing about that there danged spell checker's infringing on my rights ! My rights to talk like I really talk ! It don't hardly let me cuss like I like to !
morning, now that things have been talked about, moved about,
buckles and chair harness removed, we will began another day
of high performance discussion. I will continue to misuse the
spelling and capitilaztion (sp) of the English language. mere
a hair will b lost. shoot straight, eat venison, kill coyotes
go fishing a lot. life is short. we leave a vapor of our being
in GOD's presents!! POOFFFFFF GBOT TUM
Amen to that brother !

Having grown up in a farming area that was homesteaded by mostly Eastern European's I got to hear lots of interesting variations with English as a second language.

My fathers oldest brother started school in Poland then came to Canada almost 100 years ago. When he learned English, he still used the sentence structure of Polish. I remember him saying, "I have to go throw the cow over the fence some hay"

The other great memory is that there was an old Ukrainian widower (Metro Mitskyn)!that the young guys loved and would buy him beer. I remember our baseball team going to the tomahawk bar after a game. Of course we invited Metro to join us and we bought him beer. We started teasing him about something and he replied back to us, "You young fellows think I know F Nothing, I know F All!" To this day I use "F N" to discribe things

Now these Olympics would ever finish, I would not have to stay up all night! Go Canada, Go!
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