Yesterday a buddy and I finally made it to shooting at a mile or after a couple shots found out it was closer to an even 1700. Even though we never got my 284 win on target. We were able to get my friends 338 edge on target. Out of 12 shots he got 4 on steel with one just grazing but we're counting it (one of which was mine from his rifle) and 2 a couple inches to the right and vottom of the steel that went through the frame. We fired 4 shots just to find that we were sending the shots high. So one shot find where we were hitting and the last shot went left of the target while finding the exact windage. It makes it hard to find your misses when the spot the landowner gives you to shoot puts your target on top of one hill usin a second hill as a back stop. And out steel in a 2'x3' piece of 3/4" steel. Weighs a ton but makes a ring you can hear at that distance. Next weekend we are going to take a couple sheets of plywood to see in we can find the poi of my rifle. Even though I never made contact with the 284 it sure was fun jumping up from the 1200-1300 yard targets.