Ex bal


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2009
Is the disk designed to only allow you to install Once ? I bought it a good while back and installed on Axim X-30 it died not long after, today I got a X-51 and tried to install but the disk can't be read in any of my puters ? :eek:( had plans for it this weekend.
That is what I thought, but after 1.5 hours trying I am looking into other options lol 2 Laptops and 2 desktops that won't read disk... I guess I should have made a backup.
Is the disk designed to only allow you to install Once ? I bought it a good while back and installed on Axim X-30 it died not long after, today I got a X-51 and tried to install but the disk can't be read in any of my puters ? :eek:( had plans for it this weekend.

What do you mean “can’t be read”? Is it that it won’t auto start? Have you used windows explorer and gone directly to the drive and tried to run from there or right clicked the appropriate drive letter and chose “open”? If you have ands it still won’t run I would say the disk is shot. They do go bad. If you’re using a Mac I haven’t got a clue.

Yep should have made a backup!
Is the disk designed to only allow you to install Once ? I bought it a good while back and installed on Axim X-30 it died not long after, today I got a X-51 and tried to install but the disk can't be read in any of my puters ? :eek:( had plans for it this weekend.

Take the disk to one of those movie rental places, they usually provide a service in which the nicely grind the bad side of the disk. They don't charge much and you may save the day.

Good Luck!
Go into "properties" and then into "advanced" and then find "compatibility" and tell the machine to use the oldest version of windows that is in it. Probably Windows 98.

Then use "run" to get it to open

This may not be the exact right sequence but my point is to drop down to a older version of windows and try that. This is how you get the really old computer games such as Tomb Raider to play on the new machines. :D Always fun to go hunt the raptors.

Other option is to email Gerald Perry and see what his advice is.
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