There is a lot salesmanship behind OCW.
IMO it's about finding a reliable POWDER node rather than dialing in the best cutting edge combinations. That is, it's not so comprehensive as claimed here & there.
For instance, I could take a gun fully developed in OCW, and make it shoot better or worse with bullet seating adjustments -without a bit of MV change or affect to OCW.
That's not to say OCW is in any way bad. Nothing wrong with a powder load fitting nicely in a tolerant window, -provided this is actually best for results. But at least consider the possibility that tolerant window does not actually provide the best results.
How many times do we read where somebody's best results were found with ES that was not lowest?
They worry about that of course, but there is nothing they can do about it really, and there is often more power in accuracy than ES itself can negate anyway.
I guess what I'm saying is that your re-testing notion is a good one.
You'll have as much fun burning up components this way as that way. Right?
And if you learn something, anything, consider how much that's worth!