I entertained a drop camp and after talking to a couple to folks that had been on dc hunts as well as outfits that offered such hunts I was out on the deal. I put the pencil to it and. realized I could outfit my own camp for less and have the equipment. for future hunts. both of the felas I spoke to who had been on these type hunts on different years and both said it was very little sign of elk and the campsite looked as if hundreds of hunters had stayed there since the grown was with out a sprig of grass anywhere. around the tent.
Yeah, the only issue with doing it on your own is trying to find horses/mules/etc to help pack everything in. If you do it on your own without them, it makes life a heck of a lot more difficult (can't pack in very much weight and you have to pack out everything, including any animal you shoot). And if you do have horses/mules, you have to spend time watering and feeding them. So there is something to be said for finding a guide who does it right, but that is the trick.