Decent ram 2009


Apr 11, 2009
for Thanks for the tech advice in previous post. Sheep gods smiled this year and now wife and I are enjoying some of the best eating on Earth!
O.K., a little more about that ram. Was taken on a 3 week solo backpack hunt(I did have trusty lab/aquita pack dog/bear alarm however). Hunt took place in the upper Chitina River Unit 11 South Central Alaska. Access was gained via jet boat 16' modified lake jon w/tunnel as river is mere inches deep in places and braids out into dozens of unnavigable channels. After beating my way upstream for nearly 100 miles (felt like I imagine a salmon might feel), finally handwinched the boat well above high water line and cached anything a bear might want to lunch such as gas hoses,gas cans, spare rations, etc. proceeded up major drainage checking side drainages along the way. During the three weeks saw 2 lynx, one wolverine dozens of blackies and at one point stumbled on a 6' guesstimated 350 griz that had killed an aprox 120 black bear and ripped open and ate the berries out blackie stomach, then partially buried the blackie. He was not happy about the presence of me and the dog and that's all I'm going to say about that bear. Weather was classic hypothermia flavor 40'sF-50'sF alot of drizzle but enough "sucker holes" to dry out occasionally. Finally collected the 12 year old ram and began relaying meat and gear back out. Thoroughly enjoyed getting back down to firewood and cooking tenderloin and backstrap over spruce fire. Something new I tried this year was taking an Iridium sat phone, it was great!! For those that are interested, was prepared for long range shot with custom calibrated 2.5X-8X - Vari-X IIId ial up appropriate yardage, however he ranged at 236yrds so kind of a chip shot, just how I like'm.Summary: Just being in mountain sheep country is reward enough whether you bring out a ram is just icing on the cake. Happy Holiday's to all
Wow, 3 week solo, congratulations!! Beautiful ram, and a great pic.

Thanks for getting it posted, it sucks when someone starts a thread with "shot a big ram..." then can't get the pic up.

Way to go, you'll have great memories from that trip!
Congratulations! Most will never draw a sought-after tag for ram... You've got the stuff of dreams with that terrific ram.

Thanks for posting the story and the photo!

That is a great story, and a great ram. Sounds like as much a survival trip as a hunting trip. My hat is off to you. You are one of the few who can pull off a trip like that. I have done nearly two weeks alone, mentally very tough. I am sure the dog was a great companion.

Nice job,

Man what a RAM!!! Awesome photo...I think that is one of the best trophies I have seen on this site. And wow, 3 weeks out in that country, you earned your reward.

By the way, Dall Sheep meat is great table fare isn't it, enjoy every bite.
Answer for the post above:

Finally collected the 12 year old ram and began relaying meat and gear back out.

You are a real hunter. Amazing story and beautiful trophy you have there.

I'm not sure how different the meat might be from a Dall to a Rocky Mountain Bighorn but Bighorn was the best tasting wild game I have ever had, period.

Thanks for sharing.
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