Crazy 7mm build


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
N. Michigan
I am about to start a 7mm build. Keep in mind this will be a hunting rifle for 7-800yd max range. After running a 20" 6.5cm and loving the short barrel I am thinking about a 22" 7mm. Also I want to run the 180 eldm. I want to run around 2900fps. I was thinking a 7saum but recently saw Gunwerks building 22" 28nosler rifles. What are your thoughts on a 28n with a 22" bbl??

Keep in mind a couple things

1: I don't care if it is a flame thrower out the end of the barrel.

2: I don't care if the barrel only lasts 700 rounds.

3: I think I can run a little faster powder (4831sc vs h1000) to optimize the short barrel.
I am about to start a 7mm build. Keep in mind this will be a hunting rifle for 7-800yd max range. After running a 20" 6.5cm and loving the short barrel I am thinking about a 22" 7mm. Also I want to run the 180 eldm. I want to run around 2900fps. I was thinking a 7saum but recently saw Gunwerks building 22" 28nosler rifles. What are your thoughts on a 28n with a 22" bbl??

Keep in mind a couple things

1: I don't care if it is a flame thrower out the end of the barrel.

2: I don't care if the barrel only lasts 700 rounds.

3: I think I can run a little faster powder (4831sc vs h1000) to optimize the short barrel.
Not much. The 28 is MAXIMUM size for a 28 bore. With a 22 you would get very little gain over a 7 rem mag. With a 22 inch maybe even a 7 saum would be better. But I have to hand it to them. Any angle to sell something. Big case and a small bore needs barrel length.
Not much. The 28 is MAXIMUM size for a 28 bore. With a 22 you would get very little gain over a 7 rem mag. With a 22 inch maybe even a 7 saum would be better. But I have to hand it to them. Any angle to sell something. Big case and a small bore needs barrel length.
With my customers I steer them to know what is right and what works. Not BS to fatten the checkbook
I have a good story to tell. I have a customer in Montana. Bought a 300 rum from a whiz bang best in thee world for 5700. Lawyer and accountant in one place. Smith in another.THEIR action was a remington milled and their name stamped on it. They did not polish the chamber edge so it scraped brass trying to chamber a round. A no throat chamber and it was not marked. A 300 rum has a lot of freebore like a weatherby. I am surprised bad things did not happen. They charged him 700 to shoot the rifle and dial in a load. The action was milled for a wyatts box but a regular box was installed so it was flopping back and forth. The customer is an outfitter that hunts the Bob marshall. Get my drift? Buyer beware.
I have a good story to tell. I have a customer in Montana. Bought a 300 rum from a whiz bang best in thee world for 5700. Lawyer and accountant in one place. Smith in another.THEIR action was a remington milled and their name stamped on it. They did not polish the chamber edge so it scraped brass trying to chamber a round. A no throat chamber and it was not marked. A 300 rum has a lot of freebore like a weatherby. I am surprised bad things did not happen. They charged him 700 to shoot the rifle and dial in a load. The action was milled for a wyatts box but a regular box was installed so it was flopping back and forth. The customer is an outfitter that hunts the Bob marshall. Get my drift? Buyer beware.
Better yet when he was angry they basically told him to go **** up a rope
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