

Aug 4, 2017
I have a Labrador and am happy with it. However it only has the ability to record up to 3900fps, plus a little. In working with my 204Ruger I am into 4000fps+, also with my 6mmXC Norma and 55 grain bullets I am 3950fps+ which also exceeds Labrador ability.

I am thinking about a Magnetospeed V3 unit, but........

I'm in the same boat with my LR, I want to start pushing Hammers much faster than it can handle. I shoot suppressed almost exclusively, so I'm seriously considering the V3.

I'm also looking into mounting off the barrel, currently trying to think through if a bipod extender would place it correctly near the muzzle. That might make the Sporter viable:
The off gun mount sounds like a good idea. Question: would removing the suppressor change the velocity much? If that is doable then a Magneto Sporter might serve your purpose. Supposedly the Magnetospeed (either version) changes the point of impact so only muzzle fps is of value, if this is true. I have no clue as to whether or not this is true, but it does sound to be true.
I am running a Blaser R8 and only have one large muzzle diameter Bbl, a 6mmBR(.870"). All the rest of my Bbls are .670" muzzle diameter, so I do not have the end of barrel diameter problem. Also
I can probably run a bullet drop test to: 100, 200, 300 yds and come up with a pretty close estimate for muzzle fps. I think I will try that before investing in a v3.
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The off gun mount sounds like a good idea. Question: would removing the suppressor change the velocity much? If that is doable then a Magneto Sporter might serve your purpose. Supposedly the Magnetospeed (either version) changes the point of impact so only muzzle fps is of value, if this is true. I have no clue as to whether or not this is true, but it does sound to be true.
I am running a Blaser R8 and only have one large muzzle diameter Bbl, a 6mmBR(.870"). All the rest of my Bbls are .670" muzzle diameter, so I do not have the end of barrel diameter problem. Also
I can probably run a bullet drop test to: 100, 200, 300 yds and come up with a pretty close estimate for muzzle fps. I think I will try that before investing in a v3.
You would need to do some math, unless there is a table you can look up ( I would expect there is).
Check out

They make chronomount attachments for magneto speed v3 and Sporter. The main intended benefit is to not have something attached to your barrel, thus altering point of impact. But I asked them a question about using the Sporter for large muzzle brakes. Here's my question and their perfect answer:

Quick Question: I am currently not able to buy a Magnetospeed Sporter because it does not allow brakes or suppressors over 2.7" and one of my rifles has a brake that is just under 3". Does your chrono mount bypass this 2.7" limitation on the MS Sporter?

Thank you for the email. Long story short is yes you can run the Sporter Bayonet with a large muzzle brake using our system. The one caveat is you need to run the bayonet completely in front of your muzzle to get proper positioning. Basically the entire bayonet will be in front of the muzzle and you will be measuring the velocity several inches in front of the muzzle. This means that you will get a slight amount of velocity decay (under 5fps) since you aren't taking the reading right at the muzzle. During setup, you will also have to take extra care to make sure the offset is set correctly to avoid a bayonet strike. The last thing to watch out for is where the exhaust gas is being directed as you can melt the strap that is holding the bayonet if it is too close.

The tube we include with the Chrono Mount is 30" long, this works for most people, but if someone has an extremely long barrel and large brake then this setup may not work. So yes it will work but extra care needs to be taken to ensure a proper setup! Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.

FYI, if you don't have a pictinny rail, but you have a swivel screw, you can buy an inexpensive adapter on Amazon.... Search for something like Caldwell swivel picatinny adapter. (about $21).
I have a Labrador and am happy with it. However it only has the ability to record up to 3900fps, plus a little. In working with my 204Ruger I am into 4000fps+, also with my 6mmXC Norma and 55 grain bullets I am 3950fps+ which also exceeds Labrador ability.

I am thinking about a Magnetospeed V3 unit, but........

That's one smart dog you have there!😂
I have a Labrador and am happy with it. However it only has the ability to record up to 3900fps, plus a little. In working with my 204Ruger I am into 4000fps+, also with my 6mmXC Norma and 55 grain bullets I am 3950fps+ which also exceeds Labrador ability.

I am thinking about a Magnetospeed V3 unit, but........

Did you not know that is the LabRadar's limitation before purchasing?
I have made my own Magnetospeed pic rail mount that is very adjustable. I shoot groups with no POI shift, in fact I shot an F Open class match with it attached this Summer. I have recorded as high as 4330 fps on a 30" 223 WSSM without any problems. Here is a picture.
I shoot with the V3 attached most of the time, I want all the data I can get, in as many different environmental conditions as possible. Especially during load development. I thought about Lab Radar, but am glad I didn't buy one. There are way too many issues with it beyond the price. Magnetospeed V3 works every time! Especially well with a off barrel mount.
Interestingly, the basic Caldwell chronograph can measure from 5 fps to 9,999 fps, which is obviously better than LabRadar's. It also has an error rate of no more than +/- 0.25%, (that's a total range of 0.5%). MagnetoSpeed's V3 and Sporter accuracy is listed as "expected between 99.5% and 99.9%." Besides being a dumb way to write that (because by giving a range of accuracy they are saying it is never 100% accurate, which is obviously a mistake with their wording), they are saying it could be +/- 0.5% off, which is twice as bad as Caldwell's! (LabRadar's error is +/- 0.1%, but it cannot measure true muzzle velocity; it's impossible to if it's triggered by the sound of something moving faster than sound)

So this is all just to say that the mean green Caldwell machine is actually a very good chronograph, and may be what you want in certain circumstances.

(Edit: deleted an incorrect comment I made at the bottom; disregard my comment about LabRadar's accuracy only up to 1000 fps; the manual actually just gives an example of what +/- 0.1% means by saying +/- 1 mps @ 1000 mps)
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Excellent information.

I like to buy ince cry once , bit within reason and my budget.

I thought about the options with some being $250idh.

Magneto models $350 and $750 respectively.

LabRadar, $1000+, Plus accessories.

Aussie pricing.

I was talking to a guy at the range who offered to loan me his spare chronograph. I think he bought off a mate or an old guy .

Anyway I bought it and it suits my needs and it seems like they still do the job although setup can be slow
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