Can someone run a Quickload for me??


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2012
Charleston, WV
I was wondering if someone with Quickload could run a quick equation for me to get an estimated MV.

25.5" 1:9.25 twist .309" barrel
200grn ELD X .308"
IMR 4350 @ 48.5 grains
Bullet jammed .015" (if that matters)

If you need any other info, just holler

Thanks in advance. I don't have a chrono and I'll just be using the estimated velocity to get me close at 750 yards so I can field work my drops. I just don't want to waste a dozen shots to get on steel while wild guessing at the velocity.

Thanks again
Not a 200 ELD X, 208 A-Max. Based on what you provide, about 2400 fps. There are other variables to take into a count:
Case volume
Cartridge length
Not a 200 ELD X, 208 A-Max. Based on what you provide, about 2400 fps. There are other variables to take into a count:
Case volume
Cartridge length

Thank you very much. That makes perfect sense since almost all of the previous loads I have worked up for this gun with other bullets the accuracy node has been around 2400 FPS.

Thanks again for the help. Should help me get on target much faster.
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