Camelman is a SCAMMER

I would have turned it over to the law, quickly. don't need to get in bed with the crook's. You got to know that wrong.
My brother and I have a parcel of property deed out from under us in about 2004. The crooks had sold it a couple of time by the time we became aware of it. Got a high end attorney, and it took about a year, and $15,000.00 to get it back. They went to jail again.
My real feeling is {"If go to jail for the 3rd time for a felony"). You don't come out. It used to be that way.
This is why I only trust about 3 people.
And why this is the only social media outlet I associate with at all. No Facebook, twitter or anything.
The world is full of suckers and those who take advantage of them.
Glad you were wise enough to figure it out.
Old saying, "if it sounds to good to be true" needs to apply to all interactions.
What often happens is that buyer A gets a 'refund' (fake) check that gets deposited in their account, followed by a request from Seller A for Buyer A to return the 'refund' or send money to someone else. If the buyer returns the money (real) in any form, that soon becomes a total loss for the buyer, because banking institutions, by Federal law, have to immediately credit the original 'refund' check to the buyer's account, then 14 days later, when the check proves to be a fraud, Buyer A gets a letter from the bank saying the check is no good. Lots of scams involve a fraudulent check along with a request to depost the check, then send a third party a payment for some bogus cause like medical help, payment for a service, or some other excuse to get Buyer A to transfer real money from their account, before the bogus check bounces.
This post was very educational. I suppose if your premise is correct and you cashed the check you could be an accessory to mail fraud. Probably best that you turned it over to the authorities. I checked the address on Google Earth and it is a rental suite from the street view. Glad it worked out ok for you.
A very typical scam that happens on Craigslist is you post, shortly after a buyer says "sold I will take it" I will send you a check because I am out of town, or just moved, or I am in the military. I will have a friend come get the car or whatever. They send you a check for you to cash. But they send you more money than you were asking. The guy in my case said cash it, send me the extra money "over the asking price" send it back to me so I can pay the transport to pick up the car. Basically they try to get you to cash a bad "fake" check that looks super real and you send them the extra money. I have had this happen several times when I posted on CL.
Yup, ☝️ that's the gig. Had this happen to my wife before on CL, maybe 5 years ago. She almost deposited the check, $1,000 over asking price, but luckily she came to me when I got home after work and I was able to explain to her why it was a scam.

Gotta be careful everywhere. Personally, I've had nothing but good experiences doing business with other people on this forum. It's a shame that these shady, scamming, lowlife people have crept up in here and are pulling this type of crap.
Hello Fellow LRHF Members;

2 weeks ago I was in search of a Nightforce NX8 1-8x24 MOA Scope, I had multiple offers & chose Camelman's offer. Very nice, LNIB rendition of what I was looking for, he needed the $$$ for back surgery & I wanted a new optic for an AR/Safari Caliber platform. Fast Forward to Sunday the 24th, when it donned on me that this guy's story wasn't adding up. He needed $$$ for back surgery, then he had a loss of family member, followed by having a friend of his in a state (North Carolina) that doesn't border his own (Ohio)….send me a check for a refund on my Certified Cashier's Check that I CANCELED & the funds never cleared my account..,..nothing gained, nothing lost! However, I received a check in the mail today in FULL from an address in SAN DIEGO. The check has been handed over to local law enforcement & these guys are now on the RADAR! Karma always comes full circle on these loser's, just know that I'm going to do my part to see to it that is exactly what these clown's deserve!

Attached are picture of the whole deal (minus the return check, can not show for due to the investigation). Will release that on this thread once I have permission.
Good work - keep reporting on thieves like this.

Tom in San Diego