calling dogs----

Done a bit of dog calling - about half at night, half in day. Definitely had more surprises at night - owls, bobcats, mountain lions. The owls can seriously mess with you and your set. I've had more than a few rodeos with owls!
The owls can really make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, especially when they swoop at you and you get the blast of wind and thumped in the head without knowing it was coming or what the heck just happened!!!!
LDHunter -
Just go watch duke's intro photos on world bigfoot radio.
(youtube) in that intro is also a photo of a 6 + foot long human-like footprint in a rock. Wonder what made that ?
Some in the intro are illustrations and some others are photos.
Have you seen the video of the mother running through the boulders dragging a baby by its arm ? Dozens of people saw that when it happened. Thats pretty clear quality.
But if you like rejecting evidence to protect your normalcy bias (as some here are doing) then no quality will be good enough. And 200 DNA samples tested independently by multiple labs will never be good enough. once you have had a personal encounter- the pseudo science skeptics
become irrelevant.

Interesting how some people evoke the name of science and then in the next sentence say something CAN NOT exist. Science can never prove anything does not exist.
only that it does.
I'd really like to see a good, clear picture of Bigfoot but so far, I haven't found a single one. Why are they always so grainy and usually out of focus? Vids are so jerky it's hard to make out much of anything, even if they in focus! Pretty much the same with UFO pictures. The clearest ones are the obvious fakes made up with some photo manipulation program. The number of people *not* currently equipped with a quality cell phone camera these days is pretty small. There should be some pretty high quality photo's and video's out there but there seems to be a complete lack. Or maybe I just haven't found one yet?

I certainly can't and won't say they can't or don't exist. Strange things happen all the time. They could be interdimentional creatures or something similar, although I'll always have trouble with anything that is even remotely connected to magic or paranormal type things.

I guess my bottom line is, as long as they aren't trying to eat me or mine, I'm going to remain ambivalent towards them. I guess if one showed up at my place that didnt seem hostile, I'd do like I do with other critters that show up around my place, I give them something to eat! Speaking of which, I need to get out and feed my birds before they start pecking at my windows!
how do you know they are not hellgate ? You don't think "someone " else has some control over that information ?
yes- crckr --- I won't eat them if they don't eat me-----
there have been some accounts of friendly interactions
that took several years to develop (trust) and lack of fear
(on both sides)
Hellgate---- watch the intro clip at the beginning of world bigfoot radio. There are plenty of bigfoot pics and video clips there. (some are obviously illustrations)
that was a different village. This one has a fish canning plant there and mostly the natives that worked in it.
It was called port-something. I think it was evacuated in the 50's or 60's.