calling dogs----

So what happens to a Bigfoot when they die? Or do they die? Why do us woodsmen not find remains?

No FLIR or satellite images? None glassed up and photographed through a spotting scope?

Feel free to share links to the evidence if it exists.
Corn----- they bury their dead. Just like us. There are a few fLIR images. all the Sat images are owned by the gov. They dont share that. As I have said 3 times now--- go watch the intro to "world bigfoot radio" on youtube. There are prob a dozen pics and half dozen vid clips in his intro. He goes to your state in the summer to the abandoned gold mine town on top of a mountain and see plenty of them. (the name escapes me at the moment--- it's a famous place)
go watch. I just gave you a link now.

Crkckr---- your logic is faulty. If the picture is too good- it's been photoshopped. if it's not good enough- it doesn't count because it's not clear enough. If it is clear enough- its photoshopped.
So by using your standards- you exclude all evidence--- (if she floats she is a witch-- burn her. if she sinks and dies -she is not a witch.)
Actually Catbrain, I have yet to see a clear picture of anything I would call bigfoot, or aliens or anything that was paranormal. I have seen some that were so obviously photoshopped that they were very easy to dismiss. Everything else I've seen (especially videos) have been so bad they were easy to dismiss.

I may check out this bigfoot radio thing but I'm not holding my breath waiting to be convinced. As they say, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. To be perfectly honest, I'm not even sure pictures or video alone, even good ones would convince me, unless I took them myself. And while I've never had a hallucination in my life, I might start to believe in them before I believe in bigfoot!

That said, if someone comes up with the extraordinary evidence, I could be convinced. I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen, either.
then there is this--- video taken about 10 years ago by the yellowstone's own surveillance cams. Bufs in the foreground. creatureway back in the background. The height of each on the raw video--- the creature is equal or taller than the bufs. Note the creature is more than twice as far from the camera. that would mke him 9 or 10 feet tall.

and add to that -- some of the feet/legs are in the snow and not showing---- so that might add a bit more.
has anyone tried calling dogs in--- and instead of a "dog" --- you got
a bigfoot ? dont ask me how I know----
let me tell you---- thats a call I will NEVER make again--ever---
Well Catbrain: this is going to be an interesting and fun thread to watch!


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In todays world of AI generated pictures and vids, it's pretty hard to take someones word for just about anything. There are so many cheats and forgery artists out there it gets hard to believe anything one sees or hears about anything. So yeah, you're right, since just about any media can be faked by any kid with a little knowledge and a computer.

Like the vid you posted in #87, it looks like something that could easily be faked by someone in a gorilla suit. Bigfoot builds lean-toos? Seems we would be seeing them all over the woods.

Extraordinary claims... just don't ask me what would convince me, all I can tell is that I haven't seen it yet.

So let's say I got the perfect picture that at the least convinces me. What does it mean? One more believer in a river of believers, surrounded by an ocean of non-believers! I'm certain I would be accused of faking the picture, how can you prove a negative? No I didn't! Yes you did! Stalemate again.

I guess we'd need a body and even better would be a friendly one that's willing to sit down and break bread with us... assuming we are not on the menu, and maybe talk things over? I dunno, do they talk? Maybe shake hands and part ways as friends and promise not to shoot at them any more? I certainly wouldn't shoot at something that looked even remotely like a person anyway but that's me. Others aren't that friendly. Maybe they're inherently mean? I have no clues, I guess you'd have to figure out the rules on the fly! Which as often as not doesn't work out for the best. Considering how long the stories have been around, I'm guessing nothing is likely to change anytime soon!
The native american tribes have a history of peaceful trading with them as late as the 1800's-- they would often have one trusted envoy that learned to communicate (language) with them and he would take and bring back the goods to be traded. There also reports of whites living in remote cabin outposts that
would be left half a deer on their porch during the winter when they were in danger of starvation. There were also Native stories of there being children being born that were half bigfoot. That is still happening to this day on some reservations. Dr. Melba Ketchum's DNA tests show that they have more human DNA than our existing primates. so at least their bodies are very close to ours except for the scale and exact proportions and ratios.
It has been discovered that we can now easily rule out humans in suits--- because bigfoot has arms and legs of equal length between joints-- where our arms are quite a bit shorter than our legs. So ---with arms and legs visible---a monkey suit is easily identified. So no one need claim the "monkey suit argument" any more. overlooking the small problem of where do we find 9 foot tall humans to put into fur suits ?

"I guess we'd need a body and even better would be a friendly one that's willing to sit down and break bread with us... assuming we are not on the menu, and maybe talk things over? I dunno, do they talk? Maybe shake hands and part ways as friends and promise not to shoot at them any more? I certainly wouldn't shoot at something that looked even remotely like a person anyway but that's me. Others aren't that friendly. Maybe they're inherently mean? I have no clues, I guess you'd have to figure out the rules on the fly! "

This process has been done by a few people who have been lucky enough to encounter ones that feel sociable enough to interact with us. I suspect there may be a range of them genetically--- some much closer to human and others closer to whoever the unknown father of the line is. And i would suspect that it could be that their temperament towards us could vary with that. and I would also suspect that they would also show the same individual personality differences that we exhibit. some find it interesting to interact with us and a few hate humans and are hostile on sight of us.

There are bodies "harvested" every year by various people who get hostile interactions and shoot them. (some humans don't live to tell) The federal Gov. has a vested interest in the issue and goes to lengths to make sure all bodies are taken into their custody and the humans involved are "under their control" thereafter - given offers they can't refuse (as in the godfather)
And all this time we don't have one that's passed to examine, or we've never captured one say in a Grizzly live trap, which are huge by the way. Or a 18 wheeler or train has never hit one. Why haven't all the remote park rangers come forward after retiring to show us all the proof. Come on man. Santa Claus lives with them in the North Pole also!
then there is this--- video taken about 10 years ago by the yellowstone's own surveillance cams. Bufs in the foreground. creatureway back in the background. The height of each on the raw video--- the creature is equal or taller than the bufs. Note the creature is more than twice as far from the camera. that would mke him 9 or 10 feet tall.

and add to that -- some of the feet/legs are in the snow and not showing---- so that might add a bit more.
That was goofy. Four of them walked behind the tree, only one came out. I appreciate the info, but I remain skeptical. But then I have family members that have had cattle exsanguinated/mutilated and I still don't believe in UFO's. This has been a very interesting conversation.

Given the length of time that tracks stick around in the snow, we should be able to cut a Bigfoot track and walk them down all winter long in the Colorado mountains. It works on mountain lions, and they are about as elusive as it gets.