This discussion always baffles me…BC, and therefore stability, is not a constant number depending on velocity as a large part of the equation, but this is rarely discussed.
My custom solid brass CNC turned bullet at 323 grains in 338 varies BC so much over testing that I don't even bother writing it down anymore. 10% swings for this bullet are quite normal just with atmospheric differences…altitude swing it even more.
The only sure way to know anything is to shoot it at the range you want it to hit at. This is another fact that most don't even do on a regular basis. This particular cartridge and bullet are quite capable to 2,000 metre steel shooting and would take game at a mile…not that I do because there is no open country that big here to shoot those ranges, but you get my point I hope.
I am open to discuss this, just be aware that the time difference will mean I cannot reply straight away.