WOW! $60!!!!!!!!! That's less than I paid for mine in 1978 ($83).
I assume you mean to use the priming device on the back of the press. Depending on the number you may have a "B1" or a "B2", or maybe an even later model. Still they all are similar in concept.
The shell holders used in the old style priming device are very similar to the RCBS, Lee, and Hornaday sold in die sets today, but they are a little different. The I.D. is bigger to allow the priming device to go thru it. I don't know if you can still buy them form Forster, but I've made many of them by simply drill out an RCBS with a hi-roc drill. Of course you can always convert it over the latest style, but I still prefer the older one.
The shell holders are not needed if you have the sliding jaws. I won't go into detail as to how to set the jaws up, as it's been written over and over on these boards. But I will tell you I set my jaws up very loose, as the only thing they do is extract the case from the die.
The Bananza / Forster will use just about any .88-14tpi die. Some guys only use the Forster lock ring, but I don't. I use the steel Lyman as it fits the slot a little looser and allows more float. The slots on my press are very tight with the Forster rings anyway, and this just works better for me.
I recommend the Forster dies over the others, as they are just better.