Exactly right Tim .
I enjoyed your article , and can relate to your personal and factual findings .
As an African Outfitter and guide , I do guided hunts on cats too , mainly Caracal ( Lynx ) and Leopard as far as cats go , and I'm extremely particular and strict on sound and movement in the blind facing the bait hung for leopard . And , this in a blind with 4 sides and roof , and around 80 to 100 yards from the bait !
Absolutely , agree , sight and sound is with these two felines the most important , followed obviously by smell , as a cat down wind of the hunters and blind , coming up toward the bait will smell the hunters without a doubt , but at a lesser distance than your coyote and our Black Backed jackal .
One item or tool us African electronic callers in general have not really taken seriously , yet , are the remote decoys used in conjunction with e-callers . I cannot understand why , as our jackal is virtually on par with your coyote ( bar size , your's bigger ) in so much as character and traits go .
I'm convinced you guys have it nailed down with these decoys , and I'm investing shortly in one to match my Primos Alpha Dog .
Suggestions ?
Again , great article , great read .