Blast from the past


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
Hanover, PA
Not sure what thread to put this in but it involves deer hunting. Who remembers when there was no internet, no YouTube, if you wanted to see a hunting video or movie you had to wait for a professional hunter to come to a local high school auditorium. People like Dick Idol. Sometimes you were lucky to get in to see it. The good ole days are long gone.
I do. And the days before ATV's! I also remember the trucks in the high school parking lot with rifle racks in the back with 870's hanging in them, cause guys were going hunting after school! Nobody batted an eye! Now, they call in the National Guard if a kid brings an aspirin to school and most of them don't know which bathroom to use!
I do. And the days before ATV's! I also remember the trucks in the high school parking lot with rifle racks in the back with 870's hanging in them, cause guys were going hunting after school! Nobody batted an eye! Now, they call in the National Guard if a kid brings an aspirin to school and most of them don't know which bathroom to use!
Yes sir, back when kids knew how to fix fence and wore a plyers on a pair of pants that fit em. We even drank out of the garden hose and rode in the back of the trucks. This world is really gonna miss them days cuz they are gone for sure.
lol 😂 I remember
We would even bring in whatever rifle or shotgun we were using before school or what we were going to hunt with after school and put them in our lockers 🤷🏼‍♂️

So would some of the teachers.

We live in a freak world
I grew up in upstate NY in Wayne county. It was shotgun only country back then but they have since allowed rifles. Anyway, I remember in the 70's and early 80's how you'd be out and just see trucks parked at the side of some of the primary rural roads and guys would just hunt. People didn't get too uptight about it. Seemed like there was plenty of room for everybody. I only knew a handful of guys that hunted. That changed real quick.
Shotguns on busses to go hunting with a buddy after school. Did my public speaking presentation in the English room to the whole class on how to disassemble and clean an 11-87 while actually cleaning and disassembling said gun.
After school I remember packing my pickup with everyone's rifles in the school parking lot to sight them in for everyone. Got pulled over doing 40 down main. Once Delmer finished chewing me out I explained I was trying to get to the range to site in these rifles before dark. He said I better get going and I left with a stern verbal warning.
At college we where allowed to store out firearms in the gun safe in our dorm main room. We were also frequently cleaning our shotguns in the common. This was all in the late 90s early 2000s for college. Just the past years in our little rural schools I ran through active shooter drills with the rest of the local first responders. Fast change in 20 years👎🏻
Not sure what thread to put this in but it involves deer hunting. Who remembers when there was no internet, no YouTube, if you wanted to see a hunting video or movie you had to wait for a professional hunter to come to a local high school auditorium. People like Dick Idol. Sometimes you were lucky to get in to see it. The good ole days are long gone.
Also remember a guy called Noel Feathers, he was caught filming a deer hunt inside a four acre fenced area. Little film called bitter cold bucks. He was also caught bringing deer from another state to hunt inside his little fenced hunting club. Had cameras on the ground around him as well as in other trees. First time I saw it I asked my friends how that was possible with a mature buck? None had a good explanation. It's called cheating!
Not sure what thread to put this in but it involves deer hunting. Who remembers when there was no internet, no YouTube, if you wanted to see a hunting video or movie you had to wait for a professional hunter to come to a local high school auditorium. People like Dick Idol. Sometimes you were lucky to get in to see it. The good ole days are long gone.
I remember the days before internet and real hunting videos.
he was caught filming a deer hunt inside a four acre fenced area
Nowadays I think most are copying this person and really shouldn't be considered "hunting" videos.
I seen a leaked video of cnn acting like they were on the Gaza Strip but they were actually in a desert right here in the USA!
You can't trust anything you see or hear nowadays including the leaked video I mentioned.
I do miss the good old days when hunters were hunters and not you tube stars!
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Man I forgot some of those names. Noel Feather, Ben Lee a lot of old hunting "idols" from the old vhs days I'm sure are gone now. We used to have a local hunting show called Call of the Outdoors. I asked the last host of the show what ever happened to the tapes. He said they were all mistakenly thrown out during a clean up one year. They cleaning crew got in a lot of trouble I was told. I can still remember sitting with my dad watching Harry Allaman with the old super 8 I presume videos on Sunday at 12. Then there was Tom Fegley and the last host was Jack Hubley. Harry and Tim have passed on.

Man I forgot some of those names. Noel Feather, Ben Lee a lot of old hunting "idols" from the old vhs days I'm sure are gone now. We used to have a local hunting show called Call of the Outdoors. I asked the last host of the show what ever happened to the tapes. He said they were all mistakenly thrown out during a clean up one year. They cleaning crew got in a lot of trouble I was told. I can still remember sitting with my dad watching Harry Allaman with the old super 8 I presume videos on Sunday at 12. Then there was Tom Fegley and the last host was Jack Hubley. Harry and Tim have passed on.
Some, if not most were honest people. But the pressure to produce large bucks every year make them bend the rules into pretzels. That's why the realtree and primos guys spend big bucks to hunt Prime hunting property. Check out the cost to hunt some of the property the bone collectors hunt in Nebraska and Wyoming, etc.
I use to run into Dick Idol from time to time.His son has a art gallery in my home town, does nice work
Met him at the deer hunters exhibition in Birmingham Alabama in the 80s. He seems to be a good guy. He came off as a regular guy. No put ons, or self importance. Also met Noel Feathers there as well. He made the hair stand up on the back of my neck.

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