Bix n Andy reliability


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2019
For those of you that hunt and have used the bix n Andy's what is your take on the reliability of the trigger? Dirt and rain etc...

I ask this because cleaning after 50Rds I had some solvent get into the trigger and my next outing to the range was a bust with a malfunctioning trigger. I don't want another experience like that let alone on a hunt.

I did use a bore guide but I'm sloppy I guess and didn't notice the solvent going into the trigger.

Basically the trigger wouldn't reset every time so when closing the bolt it would decock? after cleaning the trigger with brakleen it appears to be functioning properly. This is a TacSport pro.

other two stage recommendations for r700 clone?

Triggertech is supposed to be self cleaning. I'm not sure if they are solvent resistant.

I have a Bix 'n Andy also but it has remained dry and functional so far.
No trigger will remain functional if it gets gummed up. Bore tech is probably the worst stuff to get into a trigger. It will make it rust and gum it up so bad its easier to just replace it. An oil based solvent will still do it but not like BT.
S96743. -

Howdy !

You should be able to clean the trigger out via introduction of lighter fluid, then let it air dry.
Picked this tip up from world class riflesmith Fred Sinclair, who was/is also in the NBRSA
" Hall of Fame ". I've had occasion to perform the treatment, and it works.

With regards,
357 Mag
That works on a jewell, do not do that with a Bix. The Jewell is open and can dry out. The bix is sealed up pretty good and will never dry out. They are very easy to take apart and clean if needed.
I had a Bix&Andy fail to fire on a deer hunt. It was set at 8 ounces but I could not make it fire. The deer walked off and 2 or 3 minutes later the rifle fired without touching the trigger. I kept it pointed in a safe direction until it discharged, but that was it for me and B&A. I now use Trigger Tech Specials and Tubb's T7 and have had no more issues.
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