Best/Favorite bullet puller?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
Curioys as to what is everybodys favorite puller? I have the rcbs intertia puller that i have been using for years...
I use a Forster collet style. Downside is you need a different collet for each caliber, but it is clean with no mess and doesn’t damage the bullet. Grip N Pull sounds cool but doesn’t work with a coax press.
For ease, simplicity and speed the Grip-n-Pull is hard to beat.
I have never seen one of these. Had to google it. Does it damage the bullet or make a mess? I never liked the inertia puller. Kind of a PITA. I have some factory ammo to unload. Will it work pulling bullets with a crimp?
My favorite bullet puller is the trigger.
If that doesn't work, Hornady Cam Lok.
Forster collet is right there with it.
The Forster fits best in the Co-Ax, but with adjustment, the Cam-Lok will fit too.
To anyone using the Grip-n-Pull, on crimped, gas checked cast bullets. Where you successful and was the gas check left in the case? Thanks for any and all adult supervision regarding this matter! :D memtb
My favorite bullet puller is the trigger.
If that doesn't work, Hornady Cam Lok.
Forster collet is right there with it.
The Forster fits best in the Co-Ax, but with adjustment, the Cam-Lok will fit too.
The trigger is also my favorite puller. Except I have 2 boxes of factory ammo that is hard to close the bolt on and the 5 rounds I was able to close the bolt on were very hard to lift the bolt on after I shot them. Kind of makes me nervous and it is expensive factory ammo. Only have 1 gun this has ever happened on.
Sodak, I've used several pullers including the Grip-n-Pull and none are 100% no damage to bullets. I pulled 450 .22 cal bullets from 22-250 with the Grip-n-Pull with just four or five dented and it wasn't as good on 7mm with more than I expected. I had terrible results with the RCBS collets which I gave to my son. Haven't used a inertia puller in fifteen years. Perhaps a different model will suit you.
The trigger is also my favorite puller. Except I have 2 boxes of factory ammo that is hard to close the bolt on and the 5 rounds I was able to close the bolt on were very hard to lift the bolt on after I shot them. Kind of makes me nervous and it is expensive factory ammo. Only have 1 gun this has ever happened on.
Sounds like a PITA.
Brother's Tikka has a very short throat/leader where neck & OAL case length at the high end of SAAMI spec won't fit. Ironically, discovered this with Lapua factory ammo.
Sounds like a PITA.
Brother's Tikka has a very short throat/leader where neck & OAL case length at the high end of SAAMI spec won't fit. Ironically, discovered this with Lapua factory ammo.
This is a christensen 28 nosler rifle and nosler factory ammo. I still haven't figured out why it won't chamber. I'm guessing the case is a little too long. One box is 175 ABLR the other is 160 AB. Had 1 box of 160 AB that went through fine. After I FL size and trim them all is good.
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