"Best" barrel coating/treatment??


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Mojave Desert, Nevada
What is the best barrel coating for increasing barrel life (after cryo treatment)?

Chrome is the old tech answer. What are the new and better treatments?

Are there ceramic coatings out there that can increase throat life for hotter cartridges?
Thanks Mike,

I went to the site and read the info. Sounds like a good treatment for exterior surfaces as well.

Now to check on the cost... I'll give 'em a call.
BTW, cryogenic (ultra cold) barrel treatment does promote better barrel life.

It would be interesting to see if cryo treatment is best done before or after nitriding treatment.
Many barrel makers cryo stress relieve.
I've never heard of any of them lasting longer than others.

Maybe i've missed it
I have 1 barrel cryo treated. It is a factory barrel and was treated before ever being fired therefore I can't say if it helped. The rifle does have very good accuracy and seems easier to clean than some others I own. This rifle is also the only one I have which has been Cerakoted (action, barrel, bolt and bottom metal, but haven't heard of Cerakoting the barrel interior. Would like to hear more review from members on Melonite treatment, pro and con.
What is the best barrel coating for increasing barrel life (after cryo treatment)?

Chrome is the old tech answer. What are the new and better treatments?

Are there ceramic coatings out there that can increase throat life for hotter cartridges?

Sounds like you really want to increase your barrel life! I have a product that will do what your want and more. With great honesty, you will get a 100-150 fps faster bullet, Increase the accuracy by let's say 25%, can not be washed out with solvents, tends to stay cooler longer, with stands high temps 1800+, can be recoated time and again. Did I say that the thickness of the coating is 100 Nanometers! Do I use on bolts, firing pins, rails, and exterior coatings. Yes if anything it tends todarken the finish making it a heck of a lot harder. Litehiker, if you would like to try a bottle on me. Be my guest. If it works out great for you let everyone know. For now you would be the only one to have it. Use it on an older worn weapon, check the results to prove it to yourself. A little bit goes a long way. Not everybody will even come close because it hasn't been done before even if they have to pay for it. Litehiker, yours is free. You might even find another quality in performance.

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