Anything is possible, but doubt it.Could the reverse also be plausible? An unfluted barrel that shoots crappy might come around and shoot great after fluting??
I have done several barrels where I purchased and then had someone else flute…no issues ever. I will say purchase a premium barrel though to minimize issues. Good luck.I was just curious if anyone knew. I was thinking of buying a prefit and having it fluted. But didn't wanna chance it hurting accuracy if this was a real issue. I had just read that it was a possibility
That's a really interesting question. If you take an extreme, say you straight flute one side of the barrel and not the other, I would guess that would screw with the harmonics enough to hinder accuracy. If that is indeed the case, and I'm only speculating, then I would think a poor or uneven fluting job could decrease accuracy.I have a Rem700 im gonna put a new barrel on. I was leaning toward a fluted barrel. I've read that if not fluted correctly it can cause accuracy issues. Is this the case?