Bad Luck

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
10X - Best wishes on your recovery. I have moved this post from Announcements. We'd like to keep that one for andministrative purposes. Len

just thought some one might find this and my hunting partner were all set for a good four day hunt where i was going to introduce him to long range shooting.he was very keen and we headed off early on friday morning for the three hour drive.we were almost there when we had a crash. a car pulled out from the side of the road and we hit it at 70mph.every one was unhurt except for me.i got concussion and a sore that was the end of our hunting.i am still recovering and planing the next trip but it wont be for a long time.thats it.hope every one has better luck than me.
Posts: 12 | From: australia..NSW | Registered: Aug 2001 | IP: Logged

Dave King
Member # 3
posted 09-08-2001 07:31 AM
A run of bad luck, hope that's the end of it. Get well soon.

[ 09-08-2001: Message edited by: Len Backus ]
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