Anyone have any Vihtavuori N570 they are willing to part with? I'll purchase or I have plenty of other powders to trade? Just picked up 10lbs of Varget....
Some hope that we will see some available commercially again later this year. Rumor has it hopefully by end of summer...... Wouldn't hold my breath though. Bruce
Agreed when or IF it is ever brought back here it will disappear immediately when folks hoard it. Last I saw it is going to cost upwards of $40.00 an lb. that is VERY expensive for some folks.
Given its lack of availability, I found a decent replacement in RL-33. Takes more powder per shot (105.5 gr. versus 100.00 gr.), but hits the same velocity(3,000 fps w/ Lapua 300 gr. Scenar) and acceptable pressures in my 338LM Improved.