Any suggestions??


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2015
N. Michigan
I'm going to hopefully go on my first sheep hunt this fall. I'm waiting on the AK draw results before I decide totally. If I don't draw for AK I will probably go to NWT. Couple ??s for the guys that have been. Anyone hunt with deuling stone? (Yukon) I would really like to go with Bonnet plume but if they are full I would like Arctic red or Gana. If any of you have some advice I would appreciate it.

Any suggestion or advice of places to stay away from would be great
I assume since you are waiting for Alaska that you are interested in a Dall hunt. Couple of suggestions. Go to either the Wild Sheep Foundation or Safari Club conventions in Jan. and Feb. You can meet and talk with many outfitters and sheep enthusiasts. You may find most are already booked up for 2017. I hunted Dall with David Dickson in the Yukon and would recommend him if you are looking for references.
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