Any rumors of a 7 PRC?

I have hoped for that for a long time. Got tired of waiting and built a Sherman 7 Max. It might happen one day... Maybe
Yeah I hear you.
I see PTG has a reamer for a 7-300 prc, might be a little too much of a barrel burner but still better than a 28 nos.
Id hate to put a wildcat together only to have Hornady release the same thing..
I thought that too. If nothing else but for the factory ammo. But a buddy of mine called me out on that when he said "what factory ammo do you shoot otherwise". I was shooting 6.5 Creedmoor in factory loads for a while but I don't now. So I roll my own anyway. The 7MAx is a 7SAUM Improved. SAUM brass is plentiful from good sources like ADG. The extra 4 grains push it's performance past the 7 Mag. 195 EOL at 2950, ELD-M at 3060. Recoils like a SAUM. If they drop a 7 PRC now, it would have to be the cats pajamas for me to trade. The max is just about perfect.
it would be nice if they made something with a 2.350 long case which is about half way between the 6.5 and 300. case capacity should be around 85-86 gr and still stay under 3.4 inches with the 180-195 class bullets with bearing surface above neck shoulder junction.
it would be nice if they made something with a 2.350 long case which is about half way between the 6.5 and 300. case capacity should be around 85-86 gr and still stay under 3.4 inches with the 180-195 class bullets with bearing surface above neck shoulder junction.
This would rock in a tikka.

But... doesn’t the blaser mag fit this bill?
I normally don't go for the biggest, most powerful cartridge in any caliber and like to improve the efficiency of a good cartridge, but to complete the Texan series I have decided to build a 7 Texan. (With lots of pressure from a good friend) for the bigger 7 mm bullets and increase the powder capacity to around 115 to 116 grains average to take advantage of some of the newer powders.

My reamer drawing is finished and the reamer is in the works. lots of changes are required to up the performance and utilize the case capacity. My plan is to hold the SAAMI pressure to 62,000 psi to make the new Texan very forgiving and durable. From what I have learned from the other Texan's (30 Texan, 338 Texan, 358 Texan and the 416 Texan with their performance, I think the 7 Texan should exceed My expectations like the rest have. All of the Texans are based off the 375 Ultra Mag case, and the intent is to use an action capable of handling a 4" mag. for the big BC bullets, like the Weatherby Mark 5 or extended mag 700 actions.

Lots of good choices in 7 mm. If you are wanting to shoot the 195's and 197's I would recommend going to the larger case capacity cartridges to get the big 7 mm bullets moving
to take advantage of the BC's.

Will post the progress of this project for those interested.

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