Any 110 gr Accubond results in 25-06?


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Fort Worth, Texas
Has anyone had a chance to load up the new 110 grain accubonds in 257 caliber? How are the results and what loads are you using? I have a sendero that I can't wait to shoot the new accubonds through. Chris
I've had mine for over a month. I haven't tried them in my 25-06 yet but I've been giving them a workout in my 257 Wby. The mods buried my posts from the evaluation topic to the bullets and barrels topic. It's under the Weatherby rifles post. I have also posted my results at the Nosler forum in the reloading section. I still don't know what to make of them. I can shoot the Partition faster and flatter with more energy. I wish the Accubond had a better coefficient or only weighed 100 grains.
COOL. What is the bc on those bad boys, and why can't you get them to go as fast as the partitions?? Also, where did you get them?? I just noticed your from Bend, Oregon! That would be handy to have the Nosler plant in your own backyard!
I live in North Bend. About 150 miles by GPS to the Nosler plant. My brother in law works litterally across the street from the plant and we have some connections that we can't divulge or we won't still have them. The BC is .420. I'm thinking the bearing surface on them is so long that they are a lot more friction down the barrel and they build pressure from that. In the 257Wby 3500-3550 is doable but at the top end of things for a 26" barrel. 100 grain Partitions will go 3800 at the same pressures. A 100 grain Partition out to 600 yards just does a pinch better than an Accubond at 3500. The difference on game would be nil. I don't even know why I need them. The partition shoots very well. They were new and I just wanted to see if they held any accuracy advantage over the Partitions. I still don't know the answer to that yet. I'm now working the loads in the two powders in 1/10 increments looking for a super sweet spot and then I will move on to seating depth. When she is cutting i ragged .3 hole or so I will call it good. So far I have one load group that went .401 at 3565 fps or so.
3800 fps in a 26" barreled 257 Wby is a hot load in my experience. In fact most I have developed loads for topped out in the 3650 to 3700 fps range with a 26" barrel, you must have a very fast barrel, but then that would not explain the low velocity of the 110 gr Accubond.

In all honesty, 3550 fps with the 110 is more in the reange of what the 257 Wby should be able to do with appropriate pressures.

Most do not realize that going up 10 gr in the quarter bore is like going up 20 grains in a 7mm bore. It makes a lot of difference as far as perssure goes. It can also require a change in powder to get the top velocity possible with the heavier bullet weight.

Working with my 257 AM I have found that the 257 bullets of different weights result in extremely different powder charges.

The smaller the bore the larger difference weight increases make on increased pressure.

Good Shooting!!!

Kirby Allen(50)
Thanks Kirby,
I thought it was just me. I didn't think that 10 grains of bullet would be such a big deal but it surely is. Right now I'm tuning the load for the 110's at 73 grains of 7828 verses 74.5 grains of RL-25 with the goal of 3500 even and some nice tight groups. I run the 100 grain bullets at 3700. Went as high as 3900 with 7828 in testing. I don't like to shoot absolute max loads but I like to know where the top is. Am I missing anything by not trying AA3100?
gentlemen, i have a ruger#1 in 25-06. it was the worst animal to tame until i bought a DPMS_LR308!! the 25-06 had me try 74 combos bbefore it wold touch 3 at 100. i did it with max load of imr 4350 with LR FGMM primers!! then the DPMS ran me around the bush with 7 pwders and 5 primers! final outcome was a tie between 46.8 gr varget with FGMM primers;or 43.2 gr of AR comp with LR cci primers. thiis took 68 combos. stay youe ground and squezze slow.
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