Another Boot Thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2015
Newby here so sorry if this has already been done, I'm sure it has. For a little background, my hunt will be over fairly rough terrain in Montana during early rifle season.

I'm trying to narrow down my decision on which boots to buy. I think I've got it down to Crispi Guide GTX, Kenetrek Mountain Extreme 400, and Irish Setter 882.

I have very flat feet so I'm worried about the arc and stiffness of the Kenetreks. Also, since I live at the beach I don't have a ton of options as far as break-in period so minimal break-in would be preferred. Also, open to any other boots that y'all have experience with.
Flip a coin. I have the Crispi Colorados and the Kenetrek Mountain Extremes in non insulated. The Crispi takes little break in where the Kenetreks takes much more. Also, I find the Kenetreks to be hot for me, however they are all leather as compared to the Colorados. The Kenetreks have their own waterproof material and I did have one boot that leaked. Crispi uses Gortex and in my opinion is a better product. Like I said they are both great products. In the end it is all about the fit. Good luck on your hunt.
Since its late Oct and general regular season starts the 24th, I assume this is for a 2021 hunt. In that case you have lots of time to get your boots prepared for your hunt. If by early season you mean the backcountry unit time frame that usually starts Sept 15th and you're going Sept 15th then a 200gr boot would likely do great. If your going later into Oct then a 400gr or higher boot might be better as it gets cold fast in MT. If you are concerned about fit I would call and talk to the companies you are considering. Hey, you're paying big $ for this stuff they should have some level of customer service to support any questions you have. Crispi makes a very nice boot. Their line varies a little "last" wise so speaking to them will certainly guide your choice. Find out what the return policy is. I wear Meindls because they fit my feet really good. I bought some for my son in law and didn't know he had a narrow heel. His foot floated in the heel area and so we had to return them. No problem returning them at all. A few calls around later we landed on a Crispi Briksdal. They fit him like a glove.

I'd call and discuss your flat foot issue with Crispi, Kenetrek, Schnee (my daughter and step mom love their 200g beartooths), Meindl, Hanwag, Zamberlan. I know the Zamberlan's tend to be great for people with narrow feet. You'll get an education by talking to them.
Hunt will be late October to early November for next year for I’m thinking 400g at a a minimum. I’m pretty warm blooded but Montana in the fall is no joke.
I also have flat feet and ankle issues. I have had several pair of Danner's in the past but wanted more support in a quality boot and I believe the Danners are now made in China.
Ended up with Meidl's Perfekt Hunter. They may not make this model anymore but get a boot with sturdy leather for good side support. Not as light as composites but I needed the extra support. While elk hunting in the mountains this year, I spend a fair amount of time hiking in the dark over rocky terrain. A killer for twisting ankles. The Meidl's served me well. There are a number of good quality boots but you need to fit your own individual foot for best performance.
I have custom orthodic inserts which help my flat feet a lot. (Most boots cannot support your arches as much as needed). As suggested, you can break them in on a eliptical or stair stepper machine.
Good luck in your search.
Hunt will be late October to early November for next year for I’m thinking 400g at a a minimum. I’m pretty warm blooded but Montana in the fall is no joke.
I have no good advise on boot brands, and know your hunt is next year, but:

Right now I have about 15" of snow on the ground and another 10-15" in the forecast for this weekend when season opens... lows around -1F Saturday night.

This isnt unusual, but neither is +50F around this time of year. Might not be a bad idea to bring two pairs, one uninsulated or light insulated. If its hot out and your feet sweat, then youll have issues the next day if a cold front comes in.
How are you guys buying boots by mail?
It takes me a good while at Sportsman's Warehouse (great selection of brands), trying on boots. No brand has the same fit at the same size. You just know when you hit the right one.
I just can't see ordering boots online, trying them on, sending them back, one pair at a time.

Merrills used to fit my fit perfectly, but they changed something in manufacturing and no model seems to work now.
Danners are usually a great fit.
Would like to move up to Kenetrek or Schnees.
Newby here so sorry if this has already been done, I'm sure it has. For a little background, my hunt will be over fairly rough terrain in Montana during early rifle season.

I'm trying to narrow down my decision on which boots to buy. I think I've got it down to Crispi Guide GTX, Kenetrek Mountain Extreme 400, and Irish Setter 882.

I have very flat feet so I'm worried about the arc and stiffness of the Kenetreks. Also, since I live at the beach I don't have a ton of options as far as break-in period so minimal break-in would be preferred. Also, open to any other boots that y'all have experience with.
Check out the Sportsmans guide, I bought a pr. of there Guide Gear Pursuit boots, I've tried half a dozen big name boots over the years with big price tags, the pursuit boots fight great are water proof and only cost about $120 bucks
The closest Sportsman's Warehouse in Columbia SC so I might have to make a trip up there to walk around in some of these boots.
Newby here so sorry if this has already been done, I'm sure it has. For a little background, my hunt will be over fairly rough terrain in Montana during early rifle season.

I'm trying to narrow down my decision on which boots to buy. I think I've got it down to Crispi Guide GTX, Kenetrek Mountain Extreme 400, and Irish Setter 882.

I have very flat feet so I'm worried about the arc and stiffness of the Kenetreks. Also, since I live at the beach I don't have a ton of options as far as break-in period so minimal break-in would be preferred. Also, open to any other boots that y'all have experience with.
Then your answer is crispi for little break in. Could also check out Lowa or schnees. My Lowas didn’t require a long break in but somewhat of a short one my crispi i would say aren’t exactly broken in but do not feel like they need much if at all any more and have read testimony about how little they need
The closest Sportsman's Warehouse in Columbia SC so I might have to make a trip up there to walk around in some of these boots.
Not Sportsmans warehouse, Sportsmans Guide, it started out as a milatary surplus, go to there website, they have over 2,000 items listed, I used to by tons of outdoor gear there before Amazon.
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