animal toys for practice??

Ted S.

New Member
Jun 22, 2002
Bakersfield Ca. USA
Hi everyone.I am new here, A while back I saw an article about military snipers practiceing on toy soldiers at 50 yards. This was to approximate a real size body at 1000 yds. If this is the case can dime store toy animals be used the same way. Anyone aver hear of this. I would like any info on this subject.My leupold vari-x 3 has a range finder in it. At 200 yards it equals 16 inches does this mean a 2 inch target at 50 yards would be the same thing.
That might seem like a neat idea but it would not provide any real training for long range shooting. Why? Wind...
Any shooting is better than no shooting but I would suggest burning ammo on paper plates, balloons or steel gongs and keeping real good notes on what settings your are using for wind and elevation.
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