I was actually most impressed with the female of the pair. She's the one on the right. It's hard to tell but she is a really pale color like those beautiful pale northerns out of Montana. We don't get a lot like her around here. The big dog looks a little more red than he actually was but he had really heavy fur.Man Tim, you always get the nicest looking mutts! Love that red color almost all your dogs have. Well done!
not bad, but i think mine was 39 lbsBiggest of the year so far....38,8# male
All of your yotes together and hanging like a cluster of grapes wouldn't go 38 lbs. You may be the self proclaimed King of the Hog Hunters, but when it comes to Yotes, you're so far back on the cow you can't even claim a teat! Just bite on to the tail and hang on and pretty soon that cow is going to give you your crown!....
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pak - i think you're confused. this is a yote thread, not www. i_want_a_hunk.comdjones - are you married?