88Gr Berger 243 Varmint bullets

Greg Duerr

Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
Reno, Nevada
Whats your experiance using the Berger 88gr FB Varmint in your rifles.

How is it on varmints are they explosive? Accurate? What powders do you use?
i have shot a lot of these . over 500 , i won the first 1k match i shot in with them. i used a stout load of I-4064. they shoot rea, real good out my rifle, less than .5" always. sometimes a lot less. i always use either i4064 or varget for accuracy. it is a hart 12 twist/ rem 700. i bet they would be good for game up to the size of coues.
Im going to order some and give them a try. I bought some 4064 a few weeks ago................................I will let you know
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