7MM STW goodies


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2008
1 Bag New Un opened Rem 7mm Stw Brass 100 Count

2 Bags New Nosler 2nds 7mm STW brass they come 25 to a bag

40 rds of 1 time fired Nosler brass in Orig Nosler factory ammo boxes Not in pic as well

1 brand New 7mm STW RCBS neck sizer die

1 New Unopened 168 Berger VLD hunting 7mm caliber Not in picture but they are unopened and new!!

Like to sell the whole package otherwise shippoing will kill me

$210 shipped TYD this is way below what it would cost ya in a catalog for all this.

1 Bag New Un opened Rem 7mm Stw Brass 100 Count

2 Bags New Nosler 2nds 7mm STW brass they come 25 to a bag

40 rds of 1 time fired Nosler brass in Orig Nosler factory ammo boxes Not in pic as well

1 brand New 7mm STW RCBS neck sizer die

1 New Unopened 168 Berger VLD hunting 7mm caliber Not in picture but they are unopened and new!!

Like to sell the whole package otherwise shippoing will kill me

$210 shipped TYD this is way below what it would cost ya in a catalog for all this.

Yotebuster, that's a super deal on " the goodies". I sure would love to take it off your hands, but hunting season is coming, and then the holidays. Go onto the the " 7 MM STW Brotherhood site" and post this. I'm sure someone will pick it up. There is a lot of new shooters there. Wow, great deal!!!! I'm sick!!!!!!!!
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