600 yard target for load workup...time to stop?

Unofficial Gun Addict (UGA)

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2014
Southern Idaho
Heya guys... The load I worked up recently has produced some extremely tight groups at 200 yards. (.60" for 5 shots with a 6th flyer at 1.44"). So...I shot the other day out to 600 with the same load and got similar results... (4.38" for 5 shots and a 6th flyer at exactly 6.0").

...yet I was surprised that the groups opened up so much. The wind was soft/mild but I was expecting to see a group more like 3x my 200 yard target... so in the 1.8 to 2" range. my group is more than double that. I've just started shooting longer distances, and I don't consider myself to be an expert marksman by any means, but is this to be expected? I'm not going to be competing in matches or anything like that, but was wondering whether I should go back to the drawing board on load development, or should I be content with this load? I'm using a rest and a tikka t3 tactical rifle.

Here's the target for those of you who are more visual, like myself.
So you`re shooting about 1/2 MOA at both distances? Elevation looked good at 2" or so, and maybe some mild dispersion for wind. Looks good to me.....but try it again to conferm.
Groups are really good for that distance. However, you need to figure out why you are getting a flier each time.
You're shooting under 1MOA at 600 yards, and you're worried.
Lighten up and chill out fella :rolleyes:
Just find the source of those fliers (is it always the same shot in a string or does it occur at various stages in the string) and go hunting. :D
Thank you all for the feedback. The more I thought about it after posting, the more I realized that as long as I can repeat these results, i think I'll leave the load as it is. It's only a 308 and I don't intend on taking game past this distance with this gun. I suppose my mind was just mulling things over because my intention is to work up some loads next for my 300 wm which has a bit further reach. If my groups are widening up this much from 200 to 600 yards, I'm wondering how much more they would widen out to 900 to 1000 with the 300 wm.

I've got a couple more weeks off work, so I guess I'll just have to go out and see!

Fearnowind... Lol... I'm pretty much chill about most things, but a little bit of a perfectionist when I comes to my shooting! Thanks!!
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