It's not a real good idea to reload for someone else, liability can come back to bite you in the butt. And even if it wasn't something you did wrong, trying to prove it in a civil court could be very difficult and expensive.
Aside from that, the load you develop should be structured around what he needs it for.
The older 244 Rem only had a 1-12" and wouldn't stabilize anything above a 90 gr. bullet, and that was pushing it, I know, I've loaded for some of those slower twist barrels. So measure the twist first, then present the bullet weight options to your friend.
As for a hunting rig and even a good paper puncher, a 100 gr. will produce great accuracy, and have plenty to drop deer. Powders I like are RL19, RL22, IMR-4350, H4831 and a few others have worked quite well. But of those, I really prefer RL19 when I can find it these days. With RL22, I had best results with a CCI-250. It's not necessarily a must, but it produced much better groups and efficient burn in the loads I've developed with it.
Do a little data research and once you settle on a load just start at a reasonable place in the table usually best if you start above minimum, but below mid table. If you are seating up close or into the lands, don't start your charge above mid table or you might encounter some excessive pressures.